14 🌻

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Not that I was going to sleep, obviously. Apart from the other guys and Kriss, no one knew we were living together now, so whoever came, probably came for me. I rubbed my eyes, sleepily walking down the stares. "Li-" I was about to call out, when another voice beat me to it. "Lix!" another girly voice shouted happily. I quickly peered my eyes to the person speaking, seeing a girl clinging onto Felix, who was frozen in his spot. Her hazel brown wavy hair was slightly rising up due to the wind, giving it a glowing like accent. One only angels get.

"Seo...Yeon?" Felix stammered, slightly pushing her off. My eyes went from Felix to the girl, widening in disbelief. What on earth was Australian-Korean idol and actress Min Seo-Yeon doing here? "What are you doing here?" Felix asked slightly uncomfortable. "I'm here on tour, and when I heard you were here, I just had to visit, you know!" Felix put another step back.

Seo-Yeon's gaze met mine, as she raised an eyebrow. Felix noticed her stare, looking back at me. "Y/N, you're awake?" he asked surprised, quickly looking back at Seo-Yeon. "Y/N, why don't you go ahead upstairs, I'll be there in a few minutes okay?" I hesitantly nodded, somehow feeling uneasy about the situation. Why was she so close to lix? I let out a sigh, disappearing upstairs once again. Don't overthink this Y/N.

I went over to the balcony, hearing their voices without any clue of what they were saying. I leaned on the railing, laying my head on my arm and staring at Felix's empty balcony, feeling a soft summer breeze flow by in the still hot evening. Even though the surroundings were so relaxing, a thousand thoughts were raging through my head. How did they know each other? Were they close? Or even dating? For all I know he could have had a girlfriend all along while he came back...

My heart started aching. I finally had him back by my side, but of course he could have found someone more important. I guess I had just been too blinded by happiness to see it. I let out a sigh, closing my eyes for a while. I could hear the door open from behind me, footsteps slowly approaching. "Y/N..." Felix's voice sounded vaguely, as if my name was being blown away by the wind.

I didn't want to open my eyes, I only wanted to open them to find out this was a dream. Maybe it was selfish, maybe I was jealous, or maybe I had just missed him so much, but somehow it hurt to see him so close with another girl, especially someone way prettier. Even if I was overreacting, to me he meant the world. If your whole world was taken away, that would hurt too right?

"Did I wake you up?" he started off slightly awkward, leaning down next to me, facing me. "Nah, I couldn't sleep anyways, don't worry" I said half heartedly. Felix let out a small inaudible mumble. "About just now..." he finally started. "She... Used to be someone really important to me, but right now I wished I'd just forgotten about it all. I almost did, and finally forgot about her... When she stood right in front of me, it felt like my entire world just stopped."

I finally opened my eyes, seeing Felix with a long face, more pained than I ever saw before. "Lix, is she the reason you and Chan were so worked up?" I asked suddenly. It hadn't been a scolding all along. Felix didn't say anything, only staring right in front of him. "She is, right?" I asked once more, feeling my throat slowly become more suffocated. Did that mean that she was his world? Felix once again remained silent, quietly breaking down. He nodded, a tear streaming down his face.

"I sent her away... I told her to leave, while all I wanted was for her to stay. Just once more, I wanted her to stay by my side. I finally had that chance, yet look where it got me. Now I was to one to tell her to leave" he cried out. My tears started to well up as well. What on earth was I supposed to do? How on earth was I going to console him when my heart just broke into a thousand pieces after starting to fall for him all over?

I put my hand on his back, gently rubbing it, letting him cry out to his heart's content. He buried his face in his hands, which became all wet quickly. "Lix, I'm not sure what happened, but I think if she really means that much to you, you should tell her. I can't bare seeing you like this..." I finally said, slowly removing my hand. Felix stopped crying, looking at me with tears still dwelling in his eyes. "What if it's too late? What if she's already gone again?" I pulled him off the railing, holding his hands to make him look at me.

His tears finally stopped. "Felix. Go" was all so said, yet those two simply words were enough for him to quickly run out. My eyes lingered on his disappearing figure for as long as they could until he was completely out of sight, finally allowing me to break down. Another door opened next to me, startling me.

I instantly turned my back on the door, quickly wiping my tears away. "Y/N?" Chan's voice called out. Only that was enough to make my cry all over again. Before I knew it Chan jumped over his balcony to mine, taking me in his arms. "Chan, I- I-" I stammered, trying to explain when he only held me tighter.

"You don't have to say anything, just let it all out and hold onto me."

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Where stories live. Discover now