2 🌻

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"But how, why, when, what?" I asked confused as he carefully put me down on my own feet again. A thousand questions circled around in my head, but I couldn't find any words. "Let's sit down first, I'm tired!!!" He said as he walked in as if nothing changed at all. I watched him walk into the room. His back definitely became broader, that's for sure! He really seems to have lost weight as well, I hope he still eats enough. A smile was already stuck on my face again.

I shook the thoughts away and quickly ran up to him, jumping on his back before he could even sit down. "Y/N, what are you doing?" he asked laughingly while spinning me around. "Nothing" I replied while keeping my brightest smile. He threw me down on the couch as he sat down next to me. "You really haven't changed a bit have you?" he said as he ruffled my hair, another old habits of his. Whenever I was excited, he would always ruffle my hair to slightly calm me down. Well, at least physically. Mentally I'd be jumping around ten times as much since the feeling of his soft touch made my heart beat a hundred times faster.

"I can't say the same about you! Since when did you become so tall!" I stood up and grabbed his hand to make him stand up as well. He let out a sigh, but still failed to hide his smile. I had to look all the way up, he was definitely taller than me. I pouted a little when an idea suddenly popped up. I grabbed his hand again and held it up against mine to measure them. "Ha, our hands are still the same size!" This time it was his turn to pout. "Come on, really Y/N? I got back and the first thing you do is call my hands tiny?" I giggled softly as I kept staring as his hand. "Yep!"

We finally sat down, both calmed down a bit after meeting each other again after 11 years. "You know?" Felix started. He wrapped one arm around my shoulder as he pulled me slightly closer. "You have no idea how glad I am that you didn't move. Do you have any idea how difficult it would have been for me to find you otherwise!" I nodded, agreeing with him. "Imagine if I went after you to try to find you, we probably would have totally missed each other. But actually, where DID you go?" I asked curiously. At first I was mad at him for moving without telling me anything, but over time the anger was replaced with curiosity, fantasizing where he could have gone to.

"You probably would never believe it even if I told you" he said but after poking him in his side a few times he finally gave in. "I went to Korea." My eyes widened in shock as my smile grew as well. "Owhmygosh seriously? That's so cool! You should have taken me with you! I always wanted to go there!" Felix looked a bit surprised. "You're not mad?" I shook my head and my energetic smile turned into a soft one. "How could I possibly stay mad at you?" He wrapped his other hand around me as well, now completely engulfing me in his arms. "This is why I love you."

"So... Why did you come back?" I asked, trying to ignore his last comment. It took me years to get over my crush for him, was I really gonna let one sentence ruin it? He smiled mischievously, making me even more curious. "Liiix, tell me!" He shook his head. "What will I get for it?" I let out a sigh. "This again? Come on, just tell me Lix!" He shook his head again, his grin becoming more even with every second. "Fine, what do you want? I'm NOT giving you my teddy bear, you know the teddy bear is off limits" I said warning him. "A kiss."

Once again my eyes grew wide and my cheeks started to tintle. Felix looked at me and laughed. "Not that kind of kiss idiot, one on the cheek! You know, for old times sake!" I let out a relieved sigh and finally laughed. "You really should choose your words more carefully you know!" I leaned in, pulling myself up a little to reach his level and softly placed my lips on his cheek. After a second I pulled away again with an embarrassed smile on my face. "Will you finally tell me why you came back?" He now nodded, also looking a bit embarrassed even though he asked for it in the first place.

"I'm moving back!" I couldn't believe my ears. "Are you really coming back here? How about your family? Will they move back too?" I immediately stood up and jumped up and down, not being able to contain my happiness. Felix just watched me from the couch with a huge grin on his face. "I will be your neighbour again, but it'll be just me, and... I can't stay long. You see, I went through a lot during the time I was gone..."

My smile slowly disappeared little by little. "Do you really have to leave me again?" Felix's face immediately showed worry as he instantly stood up to wrap his arms around me. "Shhh, I won't go anywhere. I'll be here for a month, and I promise I'll visit you as much as I can okay?" I nodded and hummed in agreement, not wanting let him hear my shaky voice.

He slowly let go of me but kept his hands on my arms. "Let's go out for a walk okay? And you know where" he said with a small wink, making my face instantly lit up again. He ruffled my hair again and got something out of his jacket. "It's a tiny sunflower!" I said happily as I admired it. Felix tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as he carefully placed the sunflower there. "It's not a real one, but let's go see them okay?" I smiled brightly again with a thousand emotions racing through my body. "Let's go!"

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Where stories live. Discover now