3 🌻

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My heart was beating loudly at the touch of his hand, running through the enormous field of sunflowers again like we used to years ago. A smile was stuck on my face as I watched his back, his blonde hair waving lightly in the wind. His cute ears, his broadened back and his tall legs, he changed completely, but only his appearance. His warm heart seemed to still be the same after all these years.

We both fell down in the middle of the field where there was an open spot. "It feels like ages since I've been here, I missed coming here with you" he said with a content sigh. Our hearts were beating loudly, our breathing fast from all the running. "That's because it HAS been ages you idiot." I said laughingly, hitting his chest. "That hurt!" he fake cried as he smirked. "Don't think you'll get away with it this easily!"

He rolled over on top of me and started tickling me. I squeeled and squirmed underneath him, unable to stop laughing. His gaze softened and he let himself fall on top of me. He turned us around, making me lay on top of him, my head laying on his chest. "I really missed our moments together you know" he said while looking up at the sky.

I tilted up my head and looked at his face. "Tell me, why did you come back, or, why do you have to leave so soon again? I want to know everything!" He let out a sigh. "Really, I don't think you'll believe me, so much has happened" I let out a sigh, poking his stomach. "How am I even supposed to believe you when you won't tell me?" He was quiet for a while, probably trying to figure out where to start.

"You know, in a month, when I go back, I'll be a star. Like, I might actually become famous. I told you about my dream right? Wanting to train to be an idol?" I silently nodded, still looking at the sky, painted blue and white. "Well, I made it. I actually became an idol."

I shot up, my arms on each side of him, holding myself up, my eyes locked with his as I hang above him, totally in shock. "Wait, really? You actually became an idol?" He nodded, his face slowly forming a smile. He pulled me closer, making me collapse on his chest. "I can't believe it, I'm actually an idol Y/N" he said in disbelief. "You did it Lix...you did it!"

We lay there for what felt like hours, completely forgetting the time. The sun had already set, leaving the sky lit up by thousands of stars, shining brightly upon us. Sometimes it felt like my eye were going to shut down but I always managed to keep them open, trying my best not to fall asleep. Just the two of us, finally together again, it felt more peaceful than I could have ever imagined.

That was, however, ruined when my phone started to ring. "I'm sorry" I muttered as sat up, letting myself out of his arms. As soon as I saw who it was I immediately checked the time before answering. "No wonder mom called, it's already past 1 am!" I picked up, holding it a bit further away in case she'd start yelling.

"Y/N, where on earth are you, it's already past midnight!" I took a breath. "Mom, you're probably not gonna believe me, but I'm with Felix. He's back for the month!" The other side of the phone was quiet for a while. "Can you hand it over to Felix?" I looked at Felix who nodded, seeming to follow the conversation. He also set up straight, taking the phone from me. "Hello Miss, how have you been?"

In only a matter of seconds the call was ended, making Felix laugh a little. "What did she say?" I asked curiously. "She said 'take good care of my daughter' and then hung up!" He gave me back my phone and put his arms around my waist, pulling me back down. "I'm taking that as a 'you can stay out longer'!"

Suddenly I let out a sneeze, causing Felix to burst out in laughter. "You'd say that for someone like you your sneeze would be soft and tiny, but what was that?" I pouted, turning around so I didn't have to face him. "Whatever." He threw his jacket over me, standing up. "Come on, let's go inside, your parents will kill me if I got you sick.

We were walking side by side, my hands wrapped around his jacket, looking down smiling. "What, already falling for me?" he asked laughingly while wiggling his eyebrows, making me burst out in laughter. "You wish!"

I suddenly started running. "First one home buys pizza!" I yelled back at him, causing him to start running as well, quickly catching up to me. "I really love you Y/N but I'm not buying the pizza!" he said as he ran past me, making me laugh a little. He really didn't change at all.

"Last one to arrive will get the last cookie!" I yelled back at him as he was still on top of the slide. "That's not fair, come back!" he said, instantly sliding down, running as fast as he could. As I was almost home, Felix ran past me, running inside and grabbing the cookie, stuffing it in his mouth. "Anytwing fow ywou bwut nowt the coowkie" he muttered with his mouth full.

"Y/N, I know I already won but you could at least try to get here a bit faster, I want pizza!" he yelled from his doorstep. I shook my head laughingly. "Coming you idiot!" He laughed in disbelief. "You're 100% gonna regret that!" he ran up to me and grabbed my legs, throwing me over his shoulder. "Pizza, here I come!"

He entered the house, me still trying to get out of his grip. "Liiix, let go! I already promised you I'd buy the pizza!" He suddenly stood awfully still. "Lix, what's wrong?" I asked a bit worried. "Y/N, I think we might need more pizza..."

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu