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"Why would we need more pizza, are you really that hungry? And really, put me dooown!" I whined. Felix finally put me down and gulped. "Y/N, can you go upstairs for a bit? I'll be right back." I don't think I've ever seen him as serious as he was now, taking me back a bit. "Sure..." I said slightly awkward, slowly going up the stairs. I turned around one more time, seeing seven unknown pairs of eyes stare at me.

I now quickly walked up so they wouldn't see me, but sat on top of the stairs to try to listen. "Guys, what on earth are you doing here?" I heard Felix say in shock. One of the others spoke up. "For how long were you going to keep it a secret that you have a girlfriend? Felix, you know we're not allowed, we're only rookies, it could seriously harm our reputation."

Felix let out an annoyed sigh. "Y/N isn't my girlfriend, she's been my best friend ever since I was young, don't just assume things. But is anyone going to explain why you guys are here?" It was quiet for a while until a young, bright voice softly spoke. "We wanted to surprise you but I guess that turned into you surprising us... Are you sure she isn't your girlfriend?" He whispered, sounding awfully scared.

He had all the right to be, since Felix lashed out. "First you randomly fly here, come into my home and who knows how, without not even telling me and now you're accusing me of harming the group's reputation? Just go back home!" He yelled, walking out. For a seconds our eyes locked, but he kept going, slamming the door behind him.

I instantly ran down the stairs. "Wait, Lix!" I yelled, trying to go after him until I felt a hand on my shoulder, keeping me from going. "Let's leave him be okay? He'll come back." Another boy with an Australian accent said as he smiled sadly. I wanted to protest and go after him, but simply nod my head and followed them inside, feeling terribly awkward.

An awkward silence had filled the room, no one knowing exactly what to say. "So..." I started, trying to figure out what was going on. "How do you guys know Li-, Felix?" "We're his band mates" two of them said at the same time, then both falling silent again. "Just so you know, I really am not his girlfriend." They nodded, all still silent and looking down.

"I'm gonna go looking for him after all" I said, standing up. "It's late, a girl shouldn't be out alone at this hour" one of them said, but I shook my head. "When I found him I won't be alone anymore." I walked to the door but turned back. "Listen, I don't know you guys but please apologise to him when he's back okay? I know that he might have changed during the time he was gone, but he really cares a lot about others, it must have really hurt him... Anyways, I'm going out."

I walked out the door looking left and right, trying to think of a place where he could be. The flower field, playground, our spot behind the shop, he could be anywhere... "Wait" a voice yelled from behind me. I let out a sigh. "I already told you guys, you can't stop me from looking for him." He shook his head. "I'm not, I'm going with you. It doesn't feel right to let you go out alone."

"Y/N was it, right?" he eventually asked as we were walking around town to look for him. "Yeah" I said softly. "I'm Jisung, Han Jisung. Practically Felix's twin, since we're only a day apart." I finally looked at him. "Wait, really?" He nodded and smiled, seeing I was finally showing some interest.

"Yeah! It's really funny right? It's kind of funny, I can say things like 'when I was your age' and then describe exactly what I did yesterday! I have to say, he gets awfully annoyed by it sometimes but hey, it's funny!" I laughed a little, seeing Felix get tiny angry in my head. Jisung looked at me with a soft smile. "You really care a lot about him don't you?" I nodded shyly, a bit flustered by his sudden question. "Yeah, he's been there for me for so long, how can I not?"

Jisung suddenly pointed. "Isn't that him?" There he was, sitting on a swing, looking awfully down. "Lix!" I yelled as I run towards him. He immediately stood up, not expecting any company. "Lix, are you okay?" I asked as I stood right in front of him, completely out of breath. He just looked at me with his big eyes, glinstering in the moonlight. He pulled me closer to him, laying his head on my shoulder. "Let's stay like this for a minute, please."

The next few minutes were quiet. Jisung stood there, still debating on what to do, whether to just go home or walk up to us and talk to him, but eventually left, Felix not even noticing he was here. After a while Felix let go, sitting down on the swing again. I followed his lead and sat down besides him, both of us swinging a bit, the only sound coming from the rusty chains moving.

"I should probably apologize right?" he suddenly asked, letting out a deep sigh. I stayed quiet, letting him continue. "A few years ago I wouldn't have minded, someone calling you my girlfriend. I mean, it's not like I really mind right now, but the fact that they think I'd compromise our reputation is what hurt me the most. As if they think I don't care enough about them. I've trained with them for so long, I just wish they'd trust me..."

I smiled a little. "I think they do, but you have to say, it was pretty logical they were confused, for someone they never met and you haven't seen in years, we must seem awfully close." Felix chuckled. "I guess we do." A silence fell upon us again until Felix stood up. "Let's go back shall we? It's already late anyways, I hope they're not too worried. He held out his hand, smiling brightly, the same glinster still in his eyes. "Let's go home."

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