10 🌻

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"Finally, you're here!" Chan called out in despair as Felix and I entered, Felix looking somewhat horrified as soon as he saw why Chan was so desperate. The entire house was a mess, the others constantly playing, making the mess even bigger! "Y/N?" A voice sounded from between the mess. I looked at the source, seeing Krissel with a bright smile. "Kriss!" I shouted, instantly running up to her to hug her. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same!" "But I asked it first!" I concluded, making her roll her eyes. "Fiiine."

We quickly went upstairs, hoping the others wouldn't listen. "Jeongin invited me over for dinner" she said shyly. My face lit up instantly. "I'm assuming the date went well then?" She nodded, growing more shy by the second. "I'm not sure if you could actually call it a date, but it really was fun!" I smiled, trying to ignore Chan's words about dating that were stuck in my head. "I hope it goes well for you!"

"But anyways, why are you here! Welcoming your new neighbors?" I laughed awkwardly. "Well, not exactly... You know the guy I was talking about a few days ago?" Kriss thought for a second, instantly nodding. "Your first love!" As soon as I was about to answer, the door opened. "Your first love? And you didn't even tell me about him yet? I'm hurt" Felix called out teasingly. "Lix, come on!" I whined. Kriss looked from Felix to me, eyes wide open. "Anyways, dinner will be ready in a few minutes, so come down when you're ready." He paused for a moment. "I'll just interrogate you later at home."

Felix closed the door behind him, walking downstairs again. "Lix, as in your first-" "SHUSH, he might hear you, you idiot!" I silenced her immediately, already flustered. "There's no way he can know, it'll just make things awkward!" Kriss nodded. "Then, how about now? Do you still like him?" And there it was. The question I had no answer to. "I honestly don't know... It's been years, who knows what happened in the meantime." Kriss just gave me a sympathetic smile. "I guess you'll figure that out if you're even living together now" she teased once more before going downstairs. I laughingly rolled my eyes, following closely behind.

"There you are, we were just about to call you" Chan called out from the dinner table. It was definitely too small for 11 people, but somehow they managed to make it work. Kriss sat down next to Jeongin with a shy smile, giving me space to sit between Felix and Chan. Everyone was already chatting lively, something I hadn't heard in a long time. I smiled softly, finally a happy feeling returning after a while.

"Y/N... Y/N!" Chan's voice called out, startling me. "Ah, sorry!" I said, instantly turning to him. "Are you okay? You seemed out of it" Chan said laughingly. "She's been like that all day!" Felix joined in. How was I supposed to just stay focussed with all that was going on? First apparently my parents are gone for a month, Felix is back and suddenly living with me, wasn't it all too sudden?

Chan tapped on my shoulder a few times. "A penny for your thoughts?" I chuckled, the awkwardness between us starting to disappear. "It's nothing, it's just a bit difficult getting used to all this, that's all." Chan hummed. "Don't worry, it'll be okay! If Felix ever bothers you just tell me, I'll deal with him" he joked, giving me a wink. "Excuse you, I would never bother Y/N" Felix said sarcastic, acting hurt, making me burst out in laughter. "You, never bothering me? You literally said you were going to interrogate me about my first... Ah, nevermind" I said embarrassed, looking away from him. He was just teasing me, no need to overthink this.

Chan glanced over from me to Lix, then back to me. I wonder if he somehow already figured it out. Chan simply placed another piece of chicken on my plate. "Eat up, you barely touched any of it! I may not be as good as Felix, but you can never go wrong with chicken right?" I chuckled amused. "Felix and good at cooking? That boy used to burn the entire house down if he was anywhere near the chicken!" Felix poked my side, making me turn to him. "Come on," he whined, "I wasn't that bad." I nodded. "Yeah sure, whatever you say" I joked, finally eating.

"Watch ou-" Minho suddenly yelled, stretching his arms out the the glass Jisung just enthusiastically threw over, the soda dripping all over my shirt and pants. I instantly gasped at the cold touch, instantly scooting back. Jisung gasped, instantly grabbing a few paper towels. "Y/N, I'm so so so sorry" he said quickly, already dabbing the clothes dry, instead only spreading the soda out. "It's okay, don't worry!" I answered, taking the papers from him.

"I'll get you some of your clothes from next door, I'll be right back" Felix exclaimed, already running out. "I'm quickly gonna take a shower in the meantime, I feel like my entire body is sticking to these clothes" I chuckled.  Jisung once again shot me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry" he mumbled again. "Really, don't worry, it's okay! You guys eat, I'll be right back!"

"Why isn't this lock working" I sighed. I ran down quickly. "Guys, the lock isn't working upstairs but I'll be in the shower so don't come in!" I quickly warned. Minho wiggled his eyebrows but was quickly shot down by Chan hitting him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure these idiots won't." I chuckled, thanking him before going up to the shower again.

I finally got under the shower, the dirty clothes already soaked in a tile of water and soap. "Y/N, I got your clothes!" Felix shouted. "I'll put them in the just behind the door!" He slowly opened the door, looking down. "Felix, you up there?" Chan shouted, making Felix jump up. Within an instant he jumped in the bathroom, closed the door behind him and jumped in the shower next to me, behind the curtains.

"Felix, what the heck are you doing?" I shouted, trying to cover myself. Felix instantly turned around, covering my mouth with his hand and looking past me with his cheeks bright red, whispering.

"Don't tell him I'm here!"

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