15 🌻

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"He went after her didn't he?" Chan asked after my sobs had quieted down. My eyes met his, confused and hurt. "How did you..." I started off, not being able to finish my sentence, but Chan already understood. "She came here just before, asking about him. I already knew she was coming here at some point when I heard she was here on tour, it'd just be a matter of when."

I finally let go of him, leaning back on the railing. "Are they dating?" I asked bluntly. It'd be best to instantly be shot down than slowly find out anyways. Chan shook his head, leaning down next to me. "They used to, but it ended pretty badly. When Seo-Yeon was about to debut she was forced to leave Felix, who was left heartbroken. I'm just guessing her dating ban was just lifted." Chan chuckled to himself, confusing me even more. "Pretty ironic. She leaves him for the idol life, but I feel like Felix might just leave us for her at any given moment now."

Chan might have been laughing on the outside, but I just knew that he was scared too. Everything they had worked for could fall apart with just that. "Do you really think so?" I asked softly. "The day you guys came here Felix was so mad at you for thinking he'd bring this group in danger. Even though I don't know anything about their relationship, I want to believe we can trust him" I stated, even though I wasn't sure myself. Chan let out a sigh, looking up again, already a bit reassured. "You're right Y/N, let's have faith in him" he smiled.

"So I'm guessing it was you who liked him instead of the other way round after all" Chan suddenly stated, completely throwing me off guard. My eyes widened, cheeks becoming redder. "How did you- I mean, what are you talking about?" I stuttered. Chan chuckled, turning around to lean backwards. "Come on, that's why you were crying wasn't it?" I sighed. "In all honesty? I'm not sure if I was already really in love with him, but I think I might just have been" I answered a bit unsure.

"Ah, don't worry though! I wouldn't do anything to endanger the group" I quickly added flustered. Chan once again chuckled, ruffling my hair. "I know you won't, you seem like a good person." Chan looked down. "How's your ankle by the way? Looks like you're already using it just fine again." Shit. "Felix told me I should try to use it like normal to make sure it's not stiff" I instantly blurted out. Chan stared at me for a couple of seconds, but eventually gave in.

"Why don't you go to sleep? It might be a while before Felix comes back" he suggested, but I shot it down. "I'm pretty sure he didn't even take the key with him, I don't want to lock him out." Chan nodded. "How about calling or texting?" I shook my head again. "He left his phone in the room..." Chan and I simultaneously let out a sigh.

"Then, how about we stay up together?" Chan suggested. "We can just watch movies, eat snacks, whatever until he's home." My face lit up slightly. "Are you sure? You don't have to" I told him, but he laughed it off. "I can barely sleep anyways, now let's go" he said, patting my back and leading me back into my room.

"Ah, I should probably put the TV in Felix's room off first" I suddenly remembered." I speeded back to his room, seeing the movie credits already playing. My smile disappeared, watching the screen. Would Felix and I still be able to watch movies together if he'd date Seo-Yeon?

"Y/N, are you really okay with all this?" Chan asked after a while. I instantly turned to him, not even having noticed he came into the room. "You can just sleep if you want, I'll stay awake to let Felix in. I'd understand it it'd be somewhat uncomfortable for him to suddenly find us two here as well... It might just cause an even more complicated talk when he gets back" he continued, seeing my uncomfortable look.

"I don't know, I don't want to leave you technically all alone here, it wouldn't be fair" I argued. "But... You don't want to confront him about it yet do you?" Chan continued, as if he had just read my mind. I nodded silently, not wanting to actually admit it. Felix was my best friend, so why did I have to feel so awkward all of a sudden?

Chan walked up to me, taking the remote from me to turn the movie off. "Just go to bed for now okay? It's okay, really" he smiled. I formed a small smile, my eyes however not smiling along. "Thanks Chan, really." I walked back into my room, hearing Chan chuckle. "Also, next time if you want to hide something you don't have to make up a story about your ankle you know?"

I instantly turned back to him, my eyes wide. "YOU KNEW?" I shouted out in horror, seeing Chan break down from laughing. "Do you have any idea how loud you two were over there? What on earth even happened back there" he laughed, making me bright red. "Did the others..." I started off awkwardly, luckily earning a headshake from him. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure they didn't hear, they were loud, seriously. I think carrying you down helped too with being convincing."

I buried my head in my hands. "You literally carried me knowing I was fine?" I asked even more embarrassed. Chan chuckled, finally collecting himself again. "Just wanted to try it, that's all" he said, shooting a wink teasingly. "Now you go sleep, it's getting late. Goodnight Y/N!" I quickly ran up to Chan, giving him a small hug and running back before he could even react. "Goodnight to you too Chan!"

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