19 🌻

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"It didn't start immediately" Chan started explaining. "At first we barely knew each other, we saw one another sometimes through the hallways, or said a simply hello or goodbye if she came over to the dorm. I think it all started after that drinking game at the party..."

"Liiix, I don't wanna sleep, I wanna stay up with you" Seo-Yeon whined as she rocked up boyfriends arm back and forth. Felix chuckled, gently caressing her hair with his free hand, giving her a small kiss on her forehead. "You need to sober up my teddy bear, I don't want you to have a bad headache in the morning." He slowly removed her grip on him, staring at her just a little longer with a lovestruck smile. "I love you Seo-Yeon. I'm really glad I met you." Seo-Yeon pouted, a cute smile on her face. "Goodnight" he whispered eventually, closing the door behind him.

Felix went back downstairs, joining the other's again. "She really is far isn't she" Changbin laughed. Felix nodded, sitting down on the ground. Chan stood up, rubbing some of the dust of his clothes. "I'm gonna take a shower, I think I need to sober up if I want to ever finish some more tracks. Jisung, Changbin, we should probably talk about posting our tracks somewhere soon, right?" The two guys nodded, both almost glowing. Making their own tracks had always been a dream, and it was actually coming true.

"Back then, stray kids didn't officially exist yet, not even as trainees. It was just me, Changbin and Jisung, creating some tracks and having fun. We already met the other's, but we weren't a group or anything yet. Since Felix hadn't been in Korea for all that long back then, us two bonded easily, so I introduced him to the other two. It was just a small get together, but I told Felix he could stay over for the night, together with his girlfriend I had only just then learned about. They seemed really cute together, so I didn't think much of it" Chan continued. I set on the edge, by far more interested than I thought I would be. "What happened when you went upstairs?" I asked, closing in slightly. I had to know.

"Chan?" a familiar voice called out to him as soon as he got upstairs. Chan looked up, meeting his friend's girlfriend's eyes. Her smile widened, half stumbling out of the room. "It is Channie!" she exclaimed, letting herself fall in his arms. "Channie, I'm bored, play with me" she whined, tiptoeing to get her face closer to his. Chan stood frozen in his spot, feeling more awkward than ever.

"Seo-Yeon, you're drunk, you should rest" Chan answered, pressing her shoulders to put her down again, creating at least a bit more space between the two. Seo-Yeon shook her head, holding onto him tighter. "I don't wanna sleep, I want kisses Channie, kisses" she said innocently, pouting her lips and tapping them with her finger. Chan sighed, feeling more and more uncomfortable. "Listen, if that's what you want I'll get Felix for you, but I'm going to shower." Just as he was about to go downstairs to get Felix, Seo-Yeon stopped him, holding onto his hand with both of hers. "I don't want Felix, I want you!"

Chan let out a loud sigh. "As you can probably understand, I turned her down, getting Felix. I didn't tell him about what she said though, she was drunk anyways. She did try to get closer to me to, that was clear to see, or at least to me. Those 'accidental touches', like the brushing of our hands against each other, or her bumping into me, always trying to act cute. She made it quite clear, yet Felix didn't notice a single thing. Obviously I gave her the cold shoulder, which is why she eventually stopped, after one last attempt.

"Hey" Seo-Yeon called out shyly as Chan opened the door to his shared apartment with Changbin and Jisung. Chan looked down at her in surprise. "What are you doing here? Felix isn't over if that's why" he already answered, thinking that must have been the case until she shook her head. "I'm here for you Chan, we need to talk" she said firmly, almost sounding desperate. Chan looked at her for a second, soon coming back to his senses. "Right now? It's actually not a good timing-" Chan started.

In a split second Seo-Yeon tiptoed, their lips almost touching if it wasn't for Chan's hand on her lips. "Seo-Yeon, I don't know what you're trying to do, but I suggest you stop whatever it is you're trying to do. If you stop now I won't tell Felix, but try one more thing and I'll make sure he knows" Chan warned, carefully taking a step back. Seo-Yeon glared at him, sighing in annoyance before leaving empty-handed.

"After that she stopped, continuing to date Felix for quite some more time before, well, you know. The break up." My eyes were wide open in shock. "That b$*%&" I shouted loudly, half laughing in disbelief and disgust. "I can't believe she'd do something like that to Felix, who does she think she is? She doesn't deserve him!" I ranted, my hands frantically waving in the air. "I'm telling him!" I shouted once more, already standing up.

Within an instant Chan had grabbed my hand, standing, right before me after he spun me around. He stared at me, his gaze almost burning so intense. My breathing stocked for a second. "Don't go back to him Y/N, stay here. With me."

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