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I instantly forgot how to breathe, my mind going completely blank. "What?" was all I managed to get out. I finally looked up at him, seeing his eyes filled with shock too. "I... I'm sorry, I don't know what got over me. I shouldn't have said that." My eyes went to the ground again. If only he had meant it. An awkward silence arose. What was I supposed to say? He finally asked the question I had been wanting to hear for quite some time, yet he didn't mean it. Maybe that hurt even more than not being asked at all.

Felix run his hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm really sorry Y/N, I really am. I didn't mean to get angry in the first place." He squatted down, his hands covering his face, visibly growing more and more irritated, making me worried. I'd never seen him like this. "Lix, are you okay?" I asked slowly, squatting down in front of him. I took hold of his hands, removing them from his face. His eyes were watery, which shocked me even more.

"Y/N, I feel like I'm going crazy over here. I don't even know what to do anymore, what to feel or what I want. My whole mind just feels messed up right now." For a second, it was as if I forgot all about our fight, about my problems or feelings. All that mattered was right before me. I stood up, pulling him with me and diving into his arms. "It's okay, I'm here. We'll figure it out together." Felix nodded into my shoulder, tightening his grip upon me. "Thanks" he sniffed, tangling his hand in my hair. "For staying with me" he finished.

"Of course, you'll always be important to me, no matter what happens. I'll always be there for you, I promise." Felix backed away slightly, still holing onto my waist, a smile finally back on his face. "What did I ever do to deserve you" he asked with the biggest puppy eyes I had ever seen. I smiled back, my eyes locking with his. "You simply existed, that was all the reason I need." He moved his hand to mine, swinging it back and forth. "Let's go home, shall we?" I smiled back, nodding. "Let's never do that again."

Felix's smile grew sadder. "I'm really sorry about the thing I said about Chan. You were right. If he really makes you happy, I should be supporting you. I just didn't want to lose you I guess." My eyes widened. "Lix, you can never lose me. You know you'll always be my number one right?" Felix chuckled again. "Guess that'd mean we'll still be each other's number one no matter what." He took a deep breath. "You should go back to Chan. I already feel bad enough for what happened. Check up on him for me okay? He seemed upset."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you like this..." he shook his head, slowly letting go of my hand. "I'm okay, really. Don't worry about it. I should apologize to Seo-Yeon as well for blowing her off. I'll talk to Chan as well later on, but for now, let's split up okay? Let's just talk later tonight shall we?" I shook my head, grabbing hold of his wrist with both hands. "Wait lix, I definitely don't like this. Are we...good?" It didn't feel right. Even if it sounded like we made up, it didn't feel right. He was telling me to go, but somehow it felt like he was begging me to stay with him.

Felix cupped my face, kissing my forehead. "Of course we're good. Now go, get over your old crush and have fun with your future boyfriend" he chuckled. No. No no no. There is was again. That begging look. The thing where he said something, yet his eyes screamed the other. I shook my head, grabbing his hand again, already pulling him with me. "Y/N? What are you doing?" He tried to make me stop, but I just kept pulling him with me. "No. I'm not leaving you right now. You said so yourself. It's just us two right now, and I'm intending to let it stay that way. Like I said, you're my number one, right? That means that not even a possible husband can come between us."

Felix sped up a little, catching up to me. We just kept walking, no words said, yet knowing exactly how we both felt. Glad that we stayed together after all. No Chan. No Seo-Yeon. Just us. As soon as he caught on on where I was taking him his face lit up. "Look, it's all taller versions of my little sunflower here!" he said teasingly, poking my cheek. "Oh come on, like you're so tall!" I teased back, poking his side. He instantly let go of me, the playful smirk returning on his face like it never left. "Oh no no no, you don't wanna go there" he warned, only making my smirk widen. "And what if I do?" He closed in, already tingling his fingers.

"Then... THIS" he shouted, tickling me. "NO!" I laughed, instantly running away from him through the endless amount of sunflowers. "Find me if you can!" I yelled from behind me, continuing to run until I couldn't hear him anymore. I looked around me. It was too quiet for too long. "Oh Lix~" I called out again teasingly. Silence. "Lix?" I called out again, growing somewhat worried. He wouldn't have left me here alone would he? "Are you there?"

I could hear the leaves rustle behind me, instantly making me turn around. "Caught you!" Felix yelled, literally jumping towards me. I let out a yelp as our bodies collided, both falling towards the ground. Felix quickly put his hands around me, making sure I wouldn't get hurt. I closed my eyes until the impact came, breathlessly looking up at him. He was right on top of me, pushing himself up with his hands.

"I told you I'd find you, you idiot." He said with a silly smile, keeping his eyes locked with mine. My smile slowly faded, my eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips. Felix's smile soon faded as well, a serious gaze coming in it's place. We were both panting, tired from the running, yet I could only think about what to do next.

What was this weird tension between us right now?

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