8 🌻

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Time had by far disappeared. I could almost fall asleep on his chest, that is how comfortable it was. Slowly feeling his chest fall and rise with every breath, hearing his steady and calm heartbeat, it was a feeling I had long forgotten. Neither of us said a word, we didn't have to. All we needed was each other's company, nothing more, nothing less.

Sadly, the peace got disturbed by the sound of the doorbell ringing. "Do you have to get up?" Felix lazily said, repositioning his arms around me. I nodded, rolling out of his grip to get up. "I'll be right back." I quickly went downstairs, walking up to the door. As I opened it I could see Jisung standing there, seeming quite uneasy. As soon as he saw me he fixed his expression, doing his best to smile. "Y/N, have you seen Felix?" In all honesty, I had to keep back my laughter, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't sell Felix out. "Is something wrong? I thought he was with you guys?"

Jisung let out an annoyed sigh. "The idiot literally snuck out of the bathroom while pretending to shower... The only one I could think of was you, are you sure you haven't seen him?" Right before I answered, Felix came slouching down the stairs, completely blowing my, or rather his cover. "Who are you talking to?" He asked, rubbing an eye. Jisung just stood there, pretty shocked but also quite offended. "Y/N, I trusted you!" I burst out in laughter as I saw Felix slowly change from lazy to obviously caught. "Ehm... Hi" was all he said before running back upstairs.

Jisung instantly ran past me, following Felix. "You're not getting away this time!" I laughingly walked up the stairs, Jisung running up te me. "Can you unlock the door from the outside? I really need to get him back before Chan kills me! Or rather him..." I chuckled, shaking my head. "I think he's gonna be there for eternity!"

"Feeelix, we're gonna eat all the fooood" Jisung called out sweetly, trying to tempt him out. "I'll just eat something with Y/N, you go back and leave us alone!" he yelled back, making Jisung turn grumpy again. Jisung thought for a moment. "Play along" he whispered with a huge smirk. "Y/N, your hugs really are comfortable! How did Felix keep you all to himself for so long?" Jisung said loudly.

He nudged my arm, hinting me to play along. "I guess he'll have to share my hugs from now on" I said back, the both of us trying desperately to hold in our laughter. Within a second the door swung open, revealing Felix with wide eyes. "What the heck are you- shoot" he said, instantly trying to close the door again, but Jisung already ran in.

"I got him!" he shouted, lifting Felix outside the room again, making me burst out in laughter. "It's not funny" Felix said annoyed, finally standing on his own again. "I'll take this idiot back with me, we'll see you later!" Jisung said, literally dragging Felix along. Felix stuck out his hand to me, dramatically shouting 'save me' over and over before he completely was out of sight. I laughed, shaking my head. "Still a drama king!"

I yawned, going back into my room. I should get some more sleep.. I lay down, closing my eyes once again I wished. Only about a minute later I was once again disturbed by the sound of the doorbell. I let out a groan, rubbing my eyes. Why on earth am I suddenly so popular.

I opened the door, revealing Chan. "...Aren't you supposed to be with Felix? I thought he finally went home" I asked confused. Chan laughed, but seemed just as awkward as I was. "I actually wanted to talk to you about him for a bit if you wouldn't mind." He awkwardly stood in front of the door as I instantly let him in, maybe even more awkward. I felt like this was the most awkward encounter I ever had!

"Can I get you anything to drink?" I finally asked as he sat down on the couch, looking around him. He shook his head, signing me to sit down as well. "So... What did you want to talk about?" I asked, cutting to the chase. The earlier this was done, the earlier the awkwardness would be over. He chuckled a bit, showing two small dimples. "You really don't beat around the bush do you?" I looked away a bit flustered, trying to laugh it off.

He placed his hands on his knees, slightly leaning on them. "Anyways, the reason I'm here is because I'm a bit worried. As you might know, as a trainee you really can't afford any dating scandals, so if anyone misinterprets your and Felix's situation it could really endanger the group, especially since he's quite clingy with you from as far as I could see so far. He really cares about you a lot, I'm just worried that he might get lost in those feelings..." he trailed off.

"I get you, but in all honesty, I'm not sure what you're expecting from me. I want to do everything I can to help, but I can't just cut contacts with Felix again, not when he finally came back" I said disappointed. I didn't want to lose him again. I finally got him back, so please, don't make him leave me again. Luckily enough Chan hastily shook his head. "That's really not what I meant! It's just... Please be careful when you're outside, that's all." I nodded, giving him a small reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I will."

Chan stood up, rubbing the nape of his neck. "I should probably get going again, I don't want to keep the boys waiting!" I nodded instantly walking up to the door again to hold it open for him. "Of course! Ehm, say hi from me and all!" He chuckled, showing me a sweet smile. "Don't worry, I will! It was nice meeting you again Y/N! I look forward to meeting you more often." I nodded, suddenly being reminded of something.

"Wait, before you go, where did you get that accent from?" Chan turned back slightly confused, a funny smile plastered on his face. "Felix isn't the only one who's from Australia!" He said his goodbyes once more before I finally closed the door again. He really cares about you a lot, I'm just worried that he might get lost in those feelings... What on earth kind of feelings was he talking about?

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang