lii: thanksgiving

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Blake left for New Jersey with his parents yesterday. He wasn't enthusiastic about the drive, but he slept through most of it from what his texts said. Nick had his flight late night on Tuesday, so right now, my apartment is as quiet as it can get.

I've taken time to clean up the entire place, the corners I could never reach just to get through twenty four hours. I've grown up with people all around me. The quietest years of my life had been when I lived in the dorms at Columbia. The campus, unlike the rest of the city, became my solace.

But right now, it's so quiet in the apartment, I can hear the pin drop silence. I've gotten accustomed to Nick's presence, his dorky jokes and his entertaining music-dance breakouts once in a while. Blake has also kept me company most of the days since his best friend has moved in, so I just really miss my two favourite boys.

I take my time getting ready for the dinner at my parent's place. Amelia's already arrived last night as my brother so kindly reminded me via a text. I make a mental note to keep the luggage in the car that I took to Larkspur.

Granpa texted me a photo of turkey in the oven this morning. He's having dinner with his retired colleagues, otherwise he usually travels here for the holiday.

Just when I'm about to leave, my phone starts ringing and I frown when I see Ron's name on the screen.

"Hello?" I sound a little weird because who the fuck calls on thanksgiving if they aren't your family.

"Please tell me you have a laptop around you." He speaks up. "I was supposed to send over a payroll report to CFO, and I forgot. She just called to ask for it."

Fuck, no. He better not ask me to cover for him. Why the hell is CFO working on a holiday?

"HRIS wouldn't run effectively on my phone. I'm away for thanksgiving. Emily, can you finish the report?"

I take in a deep breath. I want to straight out say no but I know Ron hates that, and I don't want to make this a conflict filled job like my last one. I need to stick to this one, and I really want my new boss to like me for once.

"On a holiday?" I try to keep the annoyance of the tone. "Does Blair not have a family?"

"She doesn't believe in festivities. Anyway, the report was due yesterday."

"Oh, joy." I let out a humourless laugh. "What do you need me to do?"

"Oh, heavens! I owe you one." He promises and I roll my eyes, aware that it's just in the moment thing. "I started the report but I would mail you all the documents in ten minutes. You'll figure out the rest."

"Alright. Hurry, I was on my way out for dinner with my family." I don't fail to mention. He should know I'm going out of my way to do this.

"I understand, I'm sorry for putting this on you." He sounds sincere and I go back inside my bedroom, taking a seat by the desk as I switch on my laptop. "Thanks."

After he hangs up, I receive a mail five minutes later. Fuck, he hasn't documented anything. This is going to take some time. I sigh, starting with the work after texting my mother 'running late, start without me'.

I can't believe I'm missing out on thanksgiving enjoyment for work. After I'm done entering the data in software, my laptop shows a FaceTime request from Blake. Without thinking twice, I accept it.

"Woah, wasn't expecting for you to answer." He looks surprised through the screen.

"Then why did you call?" I frown at him because he's not making any sense.

"Oh, stop with love. It's too much." He replies dryly and I sigh. "Wait, what are you doing at your place?"


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