As expected, Yoongi did, kissing his knuckles in reassurance.

He stepped into the kitchen hesitantly, hand still intertwined with Yoongi's.

"Guys," Yoongi called softly, making their head's whip around, "This is Taehyung, Taehyung these are-"

"Your new parents, call us Eomma and Appa dear," She smiled, running to pull him into a hug.

His dad laughed, "How did you manage to get someone like him?"

Taehyung sucked in a sharp breath, tears pooled in his eyes instantly.

She pulled away when she heard his soft sobs, "Are you alright dear?"

(A/N: and i hate the word 'dear' ngl because my grandma calls me it but shes so damn condescending like wtf is ur problem bro im not that much of a screw up)

He nodded, stepping back until he was wrapped in Yoongi's arms, turning to hide his face in the elder's chest once again.

"Baby, do you want to go to our room for a little bit? Just to calm down?"

Taehyung hesitated before shaking his head, "I'm s-so s-sorry, It's j-just been so l-long since I-'ve s-said E-" He interrupted himself with a sob, bringing his sleeve up to wipe his eyes harshly.

Yoongi caught his hand with a frown, hating how harsh he was with himself. Instead, the elder wiped his face gently, pressing gentle kisses on his nose and forehead as he went.

The silver haired quickly calmed down, but refused to show his face, utterly embarrassed that he had a complete meltdown for what he thought was a stupid reason.

"I brought food," Mrs. Min held up the bag of groceries she dropped on the counter, "Well...ingredients. Taehyung, come help me cook?"

(A/N: and i have decided i will now use mrs. and mr. min ig, idk it sounds less awkward than she said he said blah blah fucking blah)

Taehyung looked at Yoongi, not entirely sure what he was doing.

Yoongi smiled, pushing him towards his mother, "I'm sure you two will get along fine, I'll see you in a little bit baby, I'll just be in the living room if you need me,"


"Has he been treating you well?" She asked after a few minutes of silence, both of them absorbed in cooking.

"I t-thought you were su-supposed to ask me if I'm t-treating him well?"

"I do what I want. Now answer my question,"

Taehyung giggled to himself, he saw where Yoongi got it from, "He's the b-bestest,"


"Um, he's a-always nice, a-and he..I j-just don't really h-have words,"

Mrs. Min smiled,

(A/N: i changed my mind about it sounding less awkward. WTF DO I DO?????)

"My son is not a man of many words, nor is he someone who I would describe as 'loving', so it's nice to see someone who knows a different side of him," She said kindly, setting down the knife she was using.

"Yoongi is not what p-people think of him," He muttered, almost angrily, "They think the w-worst of him, they think hi-him cold-hearted, but he isn't,"

"I'm glad Yoongi met you. How did you two meet anyways?"

Taehyung blushed, "I um, I a-asked him for directions. I d-didn't know where m-my apartment was. Turns o-out I live downstairs,"

"Aw, that's cute! So you're new here?"

"Mhm, I c-came after s-some family issues," He said weakly, absentmindedly cutting through the celery on the cutting board.

Sympathetically, he was wrapped in a comforting hug, "You have more family to lean on now, if need be,"

He nodded gratefully, taking a deep breath, not wanting to cry again in front of his boyfriend's parents.

"Alright, I bet those two are starving, those pigs," She pouted, "We should get back to work. Usually I would make Yoongi cook with me, but I needed some quality time with my son-in-law,"

He squeaked, face turning bright red, making her laugh loudly.


1148 words

we're not talking about how long it's been please and thank you y'all been?

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

Tissues-Taegi [Complete]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz