Chapter 47

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Jeremy's POV

Michael hasn't spoken in almost 2 weeks.
It's been scary.
I've never not heard him speak for this long.
The fire traumatised him. And I'm not using that word lightly. It really did.
He hasn't spoken to his moms, he's barely been going to class in college, he hasn't spoken to Pac, and he hasn't spoken to me.
It's the weirdest thing to not hear his voice.
The worst thing is that I don't get good morning messages from him anymore. I guess if he doesn't talk, he doesn't message.
So it's no surprise when I wake up on the 14th day to no message.
I roll over and stretch out. Michael isn't there, again, no surprise.
Pac is though.
Pac used to hate me. Ever since I hit him with my chair on accident.
But since Michael hasn't been around as much, Pac finally had to give in and spend time with me. So turns out he's pretty chill and doesn't actually attack you all the time if you just get on his good side.

"Hey bud, another day eh?"

He stretches out where Michael was lying and meows. He's definitely found his voice, even if Michael's lost his.

"Oh I know. Such a hard day for a kitten. You don't have 6 classes to attend"

I lie my head back down

"Some have 7"

I sit up.
My head goes to Pac. I don't know why. It's not like a cat could speak fucking English.
My head goes to the door. Slightly open.


Does Michael even take enough subjects for 7 classes?
Double Music
Shit. He takes double art and music. He could totally have 7 lessons
But he hasn't spoken in so long-


It's 100% him. I can tell.
My eyes finally adjust to the light and there he is. Stood in the doorway

"Holy shit-"

He just shakes his head at me and smiles

"Breakfast Pac"

His voice is so croaky. I mean he hasn't spoken in so long it was inevitable. Pac bounds off the bed. He's probably just happy to hear the word breakfast. That cat eats more than me. And I eat a lot.
He disappears out of view before I can talk to him.
So I follow pacs move and jump out of bed and go downstairs too.
I quite literally slide into the kitchen

"Michael fucking Mell you better explain to me right now why you haven't spoken to me in 2 weeks"

He shrugs

"I didn't want to"
"What was there to talk about. I almost died in a fire"

That still doesn't sit right with me.

"I know. But going mute didn't give a chance to help you"
"I needed to help myself- FUCK"
"Are you okay?"

He groans.

"I have double art today"
"You took the double art course..."
"I know- I was meant to start my final project, I should have been well into it by now"
"Michael. You got trapped in a fire, you needed time to recover, your professor is so chilled anyways, she won't mind. There's like 6 of you taking the course"
"4 actually. Chloe dropped out and Jake never showed up"
"Sounds about right for our friends"

It's mad that he's just talking to me now. After so long of having absolutely nothing.
Maybe it's all okay

Michaels POV

Okay I admit. I left Jeremy hanging.
But did you really expect me to talk properly after what happened.
So I just gave up talking all together for a bit.
And now I'm talking again, we can move on.
That's all I wanna do
I put pacs food down, after him literally jumping up and clinging onto my hoodie. Told you he's still obsessed.
He's a food addict. Like Jeremy.
You wouldn't believe it if I told you, but I'm considerably skinnier than a year or so ago
I can actually wear a t-shirt without feeling self conscious or anything. Because they leave some room now between myself and the material. It's not just pressed tightly against my skin.
And that just makes me feel that tiny bit better.
Jeremy leaves for class a bit earlier than me. He starts earlier but finishes earlier
Whereas I start at 11 and finish at 6. Worst possible timing can I say.
But we still get to spend lunch together.
We live close enough to walk to college but me and Jeremy are going out for dinner tonight. Another reason why I wanted to get my voice back.
A one way speaking date, sounds kinda awkward to me.

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