Chapter 15

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Michaels POV:

When I woke up Jeremy was gone.
I quickly sit up and check my phone

Player two 🎮💕: Morning Micha. I'm sorry I left. Dad wanted me home 🙄. You looked so peaceful asleep so didn't want to wake you 🥺. I'll see you at school. ❤️

I smile. I love that he uses excessive emojis
I reply to him

Player one 🎮: Okay, you don't need to apologise. Love you lots 💕.

I sigh and go and shower.
My motivation to do this has certainly dropped from yesterday.
I get dressed and sort my bag out. I have some time to spare so I sit at the kitchen table on my phone.
I've got another message. It's from Christine

Of-my-LIFE: Hey Michael! Have you heard from Jeremy? He was meant to be meeting me at the bus stop but I've had nothing from him and I've been standing here in the cold looking like an idiot for 20 minutes now.
SlushyBoi: No I haven't actually. He sent me a message at like 6:30am because he had to go home. His dad wanted to see him or something. I replied to him but he hasn't seen it. Want me to come pick you up?
Of-my-LIFE: Oh you don't have to!
SlushyBoi: I'm not letting you stand out in the cold. I'll be there in 10.
Of-my-LIFE: You're the best

I lock my phone and grab my keys.
Jeremy is meeting Christine?
That means if his dad didn't want him home he would have left to go to Christine anyways. That doesn't make much sense.
I shrug it off and get in the car.
Me and Jake are the only ones with cars in our friendship group which means we are the ubers for the rest of them.
I pull up at the bus stop to find a freezing cold Christine.
I unlock the door and she quickly gets in

"Thank you Michael. You really didn't have to do this"
"It's the least I could do. You've helped me so much"

She smiles at me
If I wasn't extremely gay and in love with Jeremy I would definitely have a crush on Christine.
Funny story actually.
After the whole incident with being called a loser by my best friend of 12 years and then being abandoned in a bathroom having a panic attack, Christine was actually the one who found me.
After my panic attack subsided enough for me to leave the bathroom, I walked straight into her.
She took one look at me and knew something had happened. I told her everything.
I mean. Almost everything.
We were rudely interrupted by the fire.
After that night I didn't see her or talk to her again until the night of the play.
Watching her kiss Jeremy made my heart ache but I put on my acting face and pretended to be happy.
But she's the real reason I'm still here.
Her along with Jeremy literally saving me.
My autopilot kicks in and gets us to school and I pull into a parking space.
We get out the car and I check my phone again. Still no message from Jeremy.
I wait at my locker for him but he doesn't turn up. Maybe he had homework to do.
But when I get to biology he isn't there.
I expect him to walk in any minute now but I stay alone at the back of the class.
My leg bounces anxiously and I catch myself tapping subconsciously on the desk. This attracts some annoyed looks from my classmates so I force myself to stop.
I pull my phone out and send Jeremy a message

Player one 🎮: Where are you??

I wait for a reply. Nothing

Player one 🎮: Guess you might be sick or something. I'll note down homework for you. Love you 💕

I get no reply almost all day. At lunch I don't get involved with any conversations. I just put my headphones on.
As I'm walking from lunch to Math, my phone buzzes. I quickly pull it out and read a message from Jeremy

Player two 🎮💕: Sorry Michael. It's not working between us. I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore.

My heart stops. I stop in my tracks.
I lean against the lockers. Trying to comprehend what I've just read.
The bell goes but I don't care.
I just walk straight out of the building.
Walk straight to my car.
And drive home.
No one notices me anyways so teachers won't know I'm gone.
I sit in the driveway and re read the message.
My eyes fill with tears.
What happened?
The tears spill over and release a flood of sobs.
I lean my arms onto the steering wheel and rest my head on them and let out the sobs.
Full on sobs.
My heart feels like it's literally been torn out, broken and shattered into millions of pieces.
I press my finger into the pressure point that usually calms me down. But I don't think it can stop heartbreak.
I wipe my face and go to my contacts.
I simply change his name.

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