Chapter 26

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Jeremy's POV:

So literally 3 days before Michael's birthday, he got sick again. No where near as badly as last time.
But he completely lost his voice.
He hasn't spoken for the past day and a half in an attempt to get it back on time for his birthday.
It's now 3pm the day before his birthday. He feels absolutely fine but he still hasn't spoken.
So imagine how fun it's been just talking to yourself.
We are just about to make his birthday cake. With just me talking. Isn't this gonna be fun.

"Right come on. Baking time"

He nods and gives me a smile
We get the ingredients we need. Now we might be good at baking brownies but neither of us have made a cake in years.
Michaels moms made his cakes and my mom used to make my cakes but since she left I haven't really had one. But Michael's moms did make me some cupcakes last year. That was really awesome. And holy shit did they taste good.
So once we have somehow made the batter, I let Michael pour it into the tin.
He gives me a look

"You okay?"

He mouths to me


I smile and help him pour it into the tin.
He puts it into the oven with minimal disasters.
But as I'm washing the mixer, I realise it's still plugged in and it switches on.


In a panic I drop it but Michael quickly switches it off and unplugs it

He laughs. It's the closest thing to hearing him talk.
He looks at me

"You okay?"
"You- you idiot"

I'm genuinely shocked. I haven't heard Michael's voice in what feels like forever.
It's quiet and pretty scratchy. But it's there

"Hey you spoke!"
"I can feel it trying to come back"

It's so scratchy. It sounds like he's smoked weed every day for 20 years. And he's not even that old. But it's there. The voice I love listening to.

"Keep resting it but use it when you feel you can. Try to bring it back for tomorrow"

He nods and mimes zipping his mouth shut.
We sit quietly waiting for the cake to be done, talking a little bit every now and then. Michaels voice seems to be strengthening every time he talks.
Now he sounds like he's only smoke pot for like 10 years. Progress am I right?
Finally the timer goes off and we check to see if the cake is cooked.
Initially I just take it straight out.
But Michael literally hits me.

"No you need to check it's cooked"

I grab my side where he hit me I groan

"Jesus you might have lost your voice but your strength hasn't gone anywhere"
"Don't mess with the baker Jeremy. That's the rules"
"I- okay sure"

Turns out it was cooked so the punch was for nothing.
We let it cool and sort out the decorations.
Michael specifically wanted a pac man design on the top so I make it out of fondant. For having zero artistic skills. It looks pretty good. I make it exactly like his tattoo.
After about another hour, we finally finish. Michaels voice has actually come back a decent amount. Maybe just using his voice was the way to go.
The cake is safely in the refrigerator so we head down to the basement.

Michaels POV:

So the cake baking went pretty well. I mean nothing exploded so I take that as a win. Plus. My voice is coming back.
It better be back properly by tomorrow otherwise I'm throwing hands.
The Xbox is on but neither me nor Jeremy are focusing on it.
We put YouTube on purely for some background noise.
We are both on the same beanbag first off so we are basically just focusing on each other.
I have my head on his chest. Half zoned out half watching the vine compilation we chose.

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