Chapter 6

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Michaels POV:

My alarm doesn't wake me up.
I didn't even have to set an alarm. I have a whole month off to spend with Jeremy.
I was told to not worry about work. I'm already ahead and having to do work wouldn't help me.
At least the school is trying to help me.
I slowly open my eyes and Jeremy's face is extremely close to mine which shocks me for a minute. Then I remember I've been asleep on top of him. He's awake so I roll off him and stretch out. He does the same.

"Morning. How was it being my bed last night?"
"I think I've lost all feeling in my arm"
"Join the gang"

I lift up my cast and smile. I reach over for my glasses but they aren't where I left them last night. Shit
I can't see properly which makes it more difficult to look for them.
I hate this. I turn to Jeremy and I guess the panic in my eyes makes him give in.
He smiles at me and holds up my glasses.

"You dick"

I take them from him and put them on. Finally giving me vision.
Gives me the chance to look at my adorable boyfriend.
He has terrible bed head and his eyes still look heavy from waking up. But he looks perfect to me.
I can feel myself staring at him so I make a distraction for myself and go and get changed. For once I don't put on my hoodie. I'm only at home and I trust Jeremy enough to not mention my scars. He knows about everything that happened and knows how much it still hurts to talk about it.
So he never mentions it.
I still wear jeans and my T-shirt with the Pac-Man logo. Jeremy got it for me when I turned 17. The same day I got my tattoo.
I head back to my room and Jeremy seems shocked at the fact I'm not wearing a hoodie.

"No hoodie today?"
"Nah what's the point if I'm not seeing anyone from school"
"I bought you that T-shirt"

He smiles at me

"Yup. You did. The same day I got the tattoo"
"I love your tattoo. It's amazing"
"Hurt like hell though. I'm lucky I broke the other arm. Otherwise it would be covered up"

He wants to say something. I can tell by the look on his face.

"Go on. Ask me what you want to ask"
"When you- got your cast on. Did they say anything about your scars"
"They asked me what they were from. When I didn't reply I think they got the idea. They spoke to my moms about it. But they already knew"
"That must have been terrible for you"
"Yeah... extremely"

He walks over to me and tackles me from behind into a hug. I turn round and hug him properly. His hugs feel so secure. He's taller than me so he can lean his head on my shoulder and he hugs me.
I was always taller than him. All the time. But then he got his growth spurt and he's now taller than me. Whereas I'm still waiting for my growth spurt.
It has it pros but it definitely has it's cons.
He pulls away and gently kisses me before heading downstairs.
I love that Jeremy treats my house like his house.
I woke up once to find him sitting downstairs at the table with a plateful of pancakes chatting away to my moms. He hadn't even stayed over. He just came round before school. My moms love Jeremy almost as much as I do.
Only almost.
I love him more.
Yet again, I head downstairs to find Jeremy sitting on the sofa chatting away to my mom. My other mom must be at work.

"Morning honey. That's the top Jeremy got you isn't it? I thought you didn't want to wear it incase you ruined it because you wanted to save it for a special occasion. Like that one time you said of Jeremy ever asked you to-"

Jeremy laughs and my face turns a dark red as I playfully smack him on the arm.
He goes to do the same but sees my cast and thinks better of it.

"Yeah you better not hit me"

My mom gives both me and Jeremy a plate of pancakes and we settle down at the table to eat them. My mom sits with us and we just chat together.
It's weird. It's the most normal I've felt in a long while.
I might have a cast on my arm (decorated by Jeremy), and I might be missing a whole month of school due to bullying and mental health but today just feels like a fresh start. 
Me and Jeremy finish up with breakfast and decide to spend the day at the ice rink.
Jeremy has never skated in his life. I've been a couple times. I still know I'm gonna end up falling over.

Red Hoodie //BoyFriends Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora