Chapter 55

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Jeremy's POV:

Michael actually did surprisingly well at Halloween.
Of course he still ended up in a bathroom, it's Michael. But at least him and Rich had a nice chat.
I won't lie, my head wasn't in the best place that night either.
Walking in and seeing Michael on the floor just made me think about what he would have been like after I left him and called him a-
Now isn't the right time to think about it.
Today is the 6th of November.
Not only is it mine and Michaels 1 year anniversary, but it's also the day of our first pride.
Michaels still asleep when I wake up.
I wanted to be the first one awake.
We both decided to go shopping separately for anniversary presents.
I know exactly where mine is hidden. Inside an empty pop tart box in the kitchen.
I feel Michael move from beside me and I shuffle myself so my head is resting by his neck
I whisper,

"Happy anniversary"

I see his smile start growing and without even opening his eyes he mumbles back,

"Happy anniversary player two"

I gently kiss his forehead and stroke his hair as I let him wake up.
He eventually sits himself up and runs his hands through his hair so I take the chance to sit up beside him.

"How the fuck has it been a year"

I laugh softly. His voice is deep and rough, I rarely ever get to hear his morning voice so I savour the moment.

"You tell me. It feels like only yesterday"

He stretches and somehow manages to smack me right in the nose as he lowers his arms.
I lift my hands to my face

"OUCH! Damn Michael!"
"Holy shit! i'm so sorry are you okay?"

I rub at my nose

"It's only just healed from its break!"
"I swear i'm so sorry"

I give it a final rub

"It should be fine. Anyways the focus of today isn't my nose is it"

I see him smile and he leans towards me.

"Come on. I want to give you your present"

He swings his legs out of bed and is basically already out of the door as I clamber over the bed and follow behind him.

Michaels POV:

I can hear Jeremy stumbling behind me and try to not laugh.
When he first gets up he's basically just like Bambi.
Dare I say even worse than ice skating.
We head into the kitchen where Jeremy of course pulls out a box of pop tarts from the cupboard.
Except he doesn't open them right away.
He just kinda holds them. I decide to not question it.
I've got my present. It's in the pocket of my hoodie.
We both decided to go for something small as neither of us really know how to buy presents.
I got him an engraved key ring.
It's got the dates of November but with a heart around the 6.
It was too cute to resist.
Pac comes waltzing in like every morning and I crouch down to stroke him just as Jeremy does.
Our fingers brush past each other and I feel myself blush.
I quickly get up and make Pac his breakfast before turning my attention back to Jeremy

"Who wants to go first"

He seems so nervous and my heart swells.

"I'll go"

I reach into my pocket and clasp the key ring tightly.
I take a breath and hand it to him.
I don't say anything. I just let him see what it is.
He lets out a soft gasp as he realises what it is.


I smile as he looks up to me

"This is adorable! Thank you so fucking much!"

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