Chapter 25

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Jeremy's POV:

"I want this one jeremyyyy"
"Michael I'm not buying you that"
"But why!"

He turns to me and holds up and plush Pac-Man

"Look at how cute he is!"

I smile.

"Michael I'm not buying you a Pac-Man"
"You're mean"
"I have no money michael. Im a senior in high school with no job. Buying not only Christmas gifts. But also birthday gifts"
"Well. What if I buy it and you give it to me for Christmas"

I laugh

"Alright that seems fair. Lucky you with money"
"I saved up!"
"Alright look at you. Someone that can save money without spending it. Now I think about it Michael Mell. I spent my money on you buying slushies. Thought you said you would pay me back..."
"Well see I could pay you back. I'll buy this and you give it to me"
"Michael I've been buying you then since we were 12. I don't think... "

I check the price tag.

"$12.99 is gonna save you there"

He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. This is something Michael can do very very well. His glasses make his eyes look bigger than they actually are so it works scarily well.

"Oh my god fine"

He puts it into the basket. This basket by the way is pretty full.

"Okay are we done now. You're gonna spend too much money"
"Are you my mom?"
"No. But I'm older than you"
"By 2 months!"
"Still. Older"

I tap him on the nose

"Right. Come on. Let's go and pay"

He's like a god dam child.
We pay for our stuff and head back to the car. It was hard to not look at what Michael was buying for me.
But he was pretty good at not looking at what I was getting for him. I mean. At least I didn't see him looking.

"I'm not buying you another slushy Michael"
"How did you know???"
"I'm a genius. I have two extra months of knowledge"

I dodge his attack towards me and he ends up hitting his hand on the car door.

"Shit!! You fucking dickhead dick shithead!"

I look at him and then burst out laughing

"What a combination of words"
"I fucking hate you"

I laugh again and he starts driving.
We are about halfway home when he turns the music down

"You know. I could have broken my hand Jeremy"
"Michael I don't think it's broken. You hit it against a car door pretty lightly"
"I'm just saying. If it's broken then I can sue you"
"Sue me??"
"Yeah. I saw it on google yesterday"
"So if you can sue people for injuries, technically you can sue rich for your arm"
"Oh yeah!"
"Did anything actually happen with that?"
"Oh well he got suspended for 3 weeks"
"That's it??"
"Yeah. But it's fine. We are cool now"

He turns the music back up and I laugh quietly to myself at his adorableness

We pull into the driveway and head back into the house.
But before he unlocks the door, Michael turns to me.

"Remember. I could sue you"

I laugh and we head inside.
Michael takes his presents for me out the bag and hides them as well as he can as he takes them up to his room. I stay downstairs to wrap mine.


I look up. It's Michael at the top of the stairs.


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