Chapter 43

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Michaels POV:

What the fuck have I done.
Where the fuck is Rich and what the fuck do I do.
As soon as Jake stops messaging me I go into panic mode.
But internally panic mode. I try to not let Jeremy see my panic and thank god he decides to go out looking for Rich so I can show it.
The second the door shuts my held back rapid breathing takes over.
But I force myself to control it.
If Rich really has gone off the hook then it's my job to find him.
I check to see if his location settings are still on but he's switched them off.
This is one of the first things that lead me to panic even more.
He never turns them off. He loves to announce his location to show off that Jake can drive him places.
So I message him and start calling him.
Over. And over again.
I call him for what feels like the 10000th time and I finally get through. But he doesn't say a word

"Rich? Rich where are you?"

His voice is barely a whisper.
But it's definitely him

"Rich please tell me where you are"
"I'm sorry"

The line goes dead.


I slam my phone down

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!"

My head follows my phone and I slam it against the table.
A sharp paint shoots through it but I ignore it as my phone buzzes.

Player one 🎮💕: Anything?
Player two 🎮: I rang him and got through. But he hung up before I could say anything properly
Player one 🎮💕: It's progress. Keep going.

I suddenly realise that I can track his call. It was Rich himself that taught me how to do it.
I remember the steps that he told me and I manage to trace it to his location.

The forest.

Oh fuck no.
I jump up and pull my shoes on as quick as I can.
I grab my car keys and I drive as fast as I possibly can. Probably breaking about 20 rules of driving. The second I turn the engine off I set of sprinting towards the place that Rich is meant to be at.
As I'm running I recognise the path.
It's the same path I walked along once Jeremy's squip made him break up with me.
The same one leading to where I-
I start running quicker.


Calling for him. Anything to get a reply.
As I reach the clearing, I spot someone.
I see the red streak through this figures hair and I know it's rich.
I launch myself forward and grab his shoulders


I feel him shake from beneath my hands

"Michael? How the fuck did you find me!"
"You taught me how to trace the location of when people call you. So I traced your location"

He goes silent and looks down. Over the edge.

"Rich please. Come talk to me"
"What's the fucking point Mell"
"Because I fucked up okay? You tried to help me. After what happened with your squip it's understandable why you wanted rid of mine!"
"I did the shittiest thing Michael. What's the point!"

He moves slightly and I keep my hands on his shoulders.

"Please Rich. Please"

The desperation is my voice is strong and I'm close to losing it.
I hear him sigh and he stands up and turns round
I gasp

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