Chapter 27

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Michaels POV:

I can barely sleep.
I'm way too excited.
My 17th birthday was pretty amazing so I'm hoping this one is just as good.
It feels like I've only just fallen asleep when Jeremy is shaking me awake


My voice still isn't fully back so my reply comes out scratchy and like I'm a 13 year old boy going through puberty.

"It's your birthday!"
"I know it is"
"How can you be sleeping in?"

I pull the duvet over my head

"I'm tired"

I hear him giggle and he curls up next to me. I feel his arm go over and me and I roll over so our faces are close. My eyes are fuzzy from not having glasses on and from just waking up but I can see the excitement on Jeremy's face.
I lean my head forward so it's resting on his forehead.
He smiles

"Happy birthday"
"Thank you Jeremy. You've told me about 7 times"

He goes to say something but I lean in and kiss him gently.
He pulls away

"Happy birthday"
"Jeremy I swear to god"

He cuts me off with another kiss.
I pull away

"Fine fine I'll get up"

I push the duvet off me and reach for my glasses. I end up knocking them to the floor which really doesn't help. Jeremy picks them up for me and insists on putting them on.
Not on me. On himself.
I might have terrible vision but I can see how much of a weirdo he looks like.
My glasses make his eyes look huge and he obviously can't see through them

"Funny. Now come on. Give my vision back"

He takes them off and hands them to me. I put them on and I can finally take in the world around me.
Jeremy has somehow put decorations up whilst I slept. And he throws a balloon at me.

"Got you!"
"Oh you're in for it"

I throw the duvet completely off me and make a lunge for Jeremy. He opens the door and I hear him yelp.
My moms were waiting in the hallway to surprise me like they were with Jeremy. But turns out they thought I was Jeremy.

"Shit That's Jeremy!"
"Oh we did this on Jeremy's birthday!"

I laugh and walk out to where my moms and now a very traumatised Jeremy are.

"That's Michael! Happy birthday!"

I smile

"Thank you"

The both pull me into a hug and it's not long before Jeremy is pulled into it too.
After a few more happy birthdays. We head downstairs.
Jeremy is doing everything for me today. He tells me to sit down and not move until he's made a "special breakfast"
This special breakfast turns out to be pop tarts with whipped cream and a birthday candle.
I burst out laughing and blow the candle out.

"Thank you Jeremy"

To be honest. It's not that bad.
Especially for Jeremy making it.
I really do not want to go to school today but at least my friends remembered my birthday.
Speaking of which, Jeremy basically bounces into the kitchen holding a couple of gifts.
One quite small but the other is bigger.
He hands me the smaller one first

"Open it open it"

He's literally bouncing up and down
I laugh and rip open the wrapping paper. Takes me a while because he's used enough sellotape to form a new role of it.
It's a key ring in the shape of a slushy.
A huge smile creeps onto my face.

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