Chapter 22

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Jeremys POV:

Michael is still asleep when I wake up. At least he got to sleep eventually.
We might be very similar but the one thing that is the complete opposite is that I can sleep basically anywhere and he barely sleeps.
I sit up and check my phone. As usual a message from Michael. I love that I get messages from him every morning even though he's right next to me.

Player one 🎮💕: Helloooo. Hope you slept well. I'm sending you this at 2am so you already know I'm not sleeping. What's new tbh. Anyways. If I'm not awake already, then wake me for school. Love ya lots player two ❤️

I smile to myself. I'm a hopeless romantic but it just seems to come naturally to Michael. I really don't wanna go to school today. It's Friday. So it's the weekend tomorrow anyways. We were going shopping for suits for prom today anyways. So why don't we just bail on school?
The school thinks I'm sick anyways after my incredible acting yesterday.
I sit up and message the group chat

Group name: Gays and galls

Heere.and.queer: Who's up for ditching school
Im_totally_bi: Count me in. I am not ready for another lecture.
Livintheupgrade: God me either count me in
Pinkberry: It's a yes from me and Chloe
I'm_totally_bi: How do you know what chloe says?
Pinkberry: She slept at mine last night.
Im_totally_bi: Ooooh 😉
Smileyfacelipstickkittypaw: Fuck you Rich
Heere.and.queer: Michael doesn't get a choice. He's staying off school as well.
Of-my-LIFE: Nice to know your boyfriend gets to make his own decisions 😂
Heere.and.queer: He won't mind. He hates the lectures more than Jake.
Livintheupgrade: I. Hate. Them.
Pinkberry: Wanna sort out some plans out later or something?
Of-my-LIFE: Sounds good. Talk to you guys after.

I put my phone down. Michael is still fast asleep. I don't want to disturb him so I just lie there staring up at the ceiling. I can hear music through his headphones. It's not what he usually listens to. I recognise the tune.
Dear Evan Hansen.
I smile. I guess he really does love musicals.
I eventually get restless just lying there so I leave Michael to sleep, shower and head downstairs.
His mom is still here. Shit how do I explain this one to her. That we are just ditching school
She looks up before I get the chance to think of an excuse

"Morning Jeremy. You sleep well?"

I sit at the table

"Yeah pretty decently"
"Michael not up yet?"
"No surprisingly not"
"When did you get your good morning message from Michael?"
"Like just past 2am"

She sighs

"I feel for him. Not getting sleep. He definitely didn't sleep at 2. I went to the bathroom at just past 4 and there was still light under the door so he was still up"

This is the perfect time to think of an excuse

"I just wanna let him sleep"
"I don't see why you can't"
"We have to go to school"
"I said I don't see why you can't"

She says it with more emphasis this time. It finally clicks. She's letting us off school.
I smile

"I'll let him sleep"
"Right. I'm off"
"I thought you didn't have work on a Friday unless it's a course?"
"You've learnt my work schedule before I have"

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