Chapter 15- Family

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We heard Lexi's mom say walking in, "Knock knock! Merry Christmas everybody!"

We continued to kiss, most people paying attention to us.

"Mummy!" Lexi squealed holding out her arms ending our kiss as I smiled and laughed.

Her Mum rushed over and hugged her, looking only at her leg in the brace.

"Ow!" Lexi shrieked.

"What?" Her Mum asked.

"Broken rib Mum." Lexi said.

"Oh darling, no wonder I felt something hard under your shirt, it's a rib brace." Lexi's Mum, Amber said.

"Hi Niall! Oh! Look at you! You've grown up since I last saw when you and Lex were in 3rd grade!" Amber said, hugging me.

"What happened? I haven't heard the story." She asked, looking at my arm sitting in a sling.

"We were coming home from dinner one night, and there was a truck that didn't stop at an intersection, and we had the right of way, but we ended up t-bowing them." I explained.

"Oh! Gosh! I'm so glad you are ok!" She exclaimed.

"Maura, Hi!" Her Mum screamed as she and my Mum attacked each other with a hug.

"David! How are you?" My Dad asked, shaking Lexi's Dad's hand.

"Good." Her Dad replied.

"I missed my baby!" Lexi said, going over and squeezing her little 4 year old sister.

"Aww!" Danielle and Eleanor exclaimed.

"Mum, Dad, this is Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis. These are the members of One Direction with Niall." "And this is Danielle, Liam's girlfriend, and this is Louis's girlfriend Eleanor." She said, pointing to all 6 of them.

"Correction." Danielle said, "Fiancé." Eleanor said while they both held their left hands out and revealed two rings.

"Oh my gosh!!!!" Lexi smiled. She hobbled over to them and squeezed them to death. "Ahh!!!" They all screamed together in excitement. I could tell they were all so excited to be brides.

"Dad!" Lexi said as she rushed over to her Dad and hugged him.

"Hi pumpkin!" He replied.

"Niall! Hi, how are you?" He asked me shaking my hand.

"Good." I said.

"Good, good." Her dad replied.

I looked at my watch, as it read '12:00'.

"Well, how about some lunch?" My Dad said.

"Sounds good." Lexi's Mum said.

"I'll show you around, come on." I said, as my Lexi's Mum, Dad, and sister followed me.

"Niall, we are going to help Lexi get dressed." Danielle told me.

"Ok." I replied.

All of the lads and my parents went back to their rooms to get ready.

"Ok, over there, up that set of stairs, in the double doors, is mine and Lexi's room. Here is the kitchen, and the laundry room. There is the game room, and this is the living room." I said as I began to lead them up the other set of stairs and down the hall.

"There is my parents room, and here is Liam and Danielle's room. Here's Louis and Eleanor's room. And last, but not least, Harry and Zayn's room."

"Now, your room." I said opening their door. "Make your self at home." I added, walking away.

"What time are we leaving for lunch?" Lexi's Mum peeked out of the door, asking me.

"One." I replied.

"Ok, thank you Niall." She said.

"Your welcome Mrs. Alee." I replied.

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