"Nothing," Ayuri told her.

She nodded even though the child couldn't see her. "Right. None of the bad stuff you saw before is there anymore right?"

The blonde shook her head.

"Good. Don't worry about me sweetheart because nothing's gonna happen to me. Know why?" she asked.

"Cus you're a tough cookie," she answered, repeating back the expression she'd heard her say hundreds of times before.

Mariko giggled and uncovered her eyes. They were back to blue and stared innocently up at her. "Right! Nothing ever happens to tough cookies. Nd even if something did you can bet your cute little behind that he's gonna rescue me, alright?" she asked, gesturing to Hawks.

Ayuri nodded smiling brightly. "Keep up the goof work Hawks!" she exclaimed happily.

The male tilted his head, still a bit confused at the conversation. He looked at Mariko for clarification, but the brunette shrugged as if saying, "I don't know either just go with it."

A few minutes after their waiter had come by and taken their orders- Ayuri making doubly sure that they took down her extra-large double fudge sundae- she excused herself from the table saying that she was going to check in on Hayato.

She stepped outside the restaurant and dialed the male's number. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Mari? What's up?" he asked.

"Has Ayuri displayed signs that her quirk is developing?" she asked immediately.

"Not that we've seen. Why did something happen?" he asked immediately growing concerned.

Mariko shut her eyes, "I think so. Her eyes turned red during lunch and she started saying some things that didn't make sense. What's Kaede's quirk again?"

"Future view- it's a clairvoyance quirk," he stated.

At that moment, it let like all the air had left her lungs. "Does that mean that things Ayuri said would come true in the future?" she asked herself. The future the blonde had described didn't sound pleasant whatsoever. She'd get hurt and Hawks would leave her.

Noticing the brunette's silence, Hayato grew concerned, "What did she say?"

She sighed, it was probably better to tell him the truth, "She said I'd get hurt, and that Hawks would abandon me in a fire, everything was red."

"Mari... we can't know what exactly Ayuri saw. We don't know the context and she doesn't know how to read body language yet. It's easy that she misread the situation. It doesn't mean what she says will happen- that's if her quirk even is future vision. It might be some variation like she can see parallel universes or something," he told her.

She nodded to herself. He was right, but why couldn't she get rid of the sinking feeling in her stomach?

"I'm gonna come by and pick her up. Where are you guys?" he asked.

"We're at this little restaurant on main street. You don't have to though; we're out getting lunch. If you want we can drop her off at the hospital afterward," she told him.

"Okay you guys eat. We were about to grab a bite, too," he told her.

"Okay so I'll see you at the hospital in a few hours then?" she asked.


               They hung up and Mariko took a deep breath, putting on a happy expression as she entered the restaurant once again. Thankfully, lunch went by without any more hiccups. Ayuri was able to eat about ¼ of her Sunday before stating she was full and giving the rest to Hawks who inhaled it in less than a minute.

               "Is that your quirk?" Ayuri asked excitedly.

               The brunette snorted, "Might as well be," she quipped.

               Keigo pouted at her. "No, but it fuels my quirk," he explained.

               "Oh is that the reasoning were going with?" she asked.

               "Yes. Yes it is," he stated indignantly.

               Ayuri giggled at their banter before entertaining herself by drawing happy faces in the window fog.

               Mariko smiled at the small child and carefully took her phone back from her lap. Thankfully she didn't notice.

               "You okay?" Keigo asked, noting her expression held a note of tiredness it hadn't that morning.

               She nodded, "Just a bit tired." Truthfully though Ayuri's words had worried her. Even though she'd spoken and reasoned with Hayato about it, she felt a weight on her shoulders she hadn't before.

               "I'll get the check," he offered, gesturing his request to a waiter before she even had the chance to protest.

               "Thanks," she said, nodding appreciatively as he paid for their lunches.

               The three of them walked out of the restaurant.

               "Ayuri, do you have something you'd like to say to Hawks?" she asked, looking up at the little girl who was currently riding on the hero's shoulders.

               "Thank you Hawks-san!" she exclaimed, marveling at the sights around her from her new vantage point.

               Keigo smiled in satisfaction and wrapped his free hand around his girlfriend. He quickly leaned down and pressed a kiss against her temple before Ayuri could lose her balance.

               Mariko smiled at him and threaded their fingers together as they walked to the hospital where they would be leaving Ayuri with Hayato.

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