"He's whoring around with everyone,"

"How did he get Yoongi oppa? That slut,"

Yoongi stopped abruptly, making Taehyung walk into his back.


"One more word about my boyfriend," Yoongi's voice was loud, bouncing around the halls, "And you'll regret it,"

"Ah, I should've guessed the little whore was yours," Minho smirked, "Ever since I ruined your little date,"

"Minho, I'd suggest you shut up,"

"What are you going to do? Beat me up?"

Taehyung sighed, knowing that's exactly what Yoongi was going to do.

And Yoongi didn't disappoint.

He took one step forward before grabbing Minho's collar, pulling him down while bringing his knee up.

The students around him gasped, watching the blood pour from Minho's nose.

"Talk about my baby again, I dare you," Yoongi whispered, punching him in the jaw.

Minho spit out blood, "A fucking whore, that's all he is,"

Yoongi gripped his arm tightly.

"Is he a good fuck? Is that why you're with him?" Minho smirked, "I tried to fuck him, you know,"

The blonde narrowed his eyes, looking back at his boyfriend for conformation.

"Yugyeom s-saved me," He looked down, frowning.

Minho was thrown to the ground, Yoongi stepping on him on the way back to Taehyung, stepping on him again as he grabbed the younger's wrist and pulled him towards the exit.

He gently pushed Taehyung to the wall outside, "Baby,"

"I'm s-sorry! I w-was embarrassed b-because I c-can't defend myself and I t-thought you would be mad-"

"Why would I ever be mad?" Yoongi asked softly, lifting up his chin.

"I d-don't know!"

"Do you want to just go back to mine? I can tell my parents I'm sick,"

Taehyung shook his head, trying to dry up the tears in his eyes. "I'm fine,"

"Baby don't lie to me," He frowned.

"I'm n-not lying, I'm f-fine, I promise,"

Yoongi sighed, "I don't believe you. And I think we need to talk,"

"No! I promise! Please,"

"Baby no, you're lying, and hid a very big thing from me,"

Taehyung shook his head, "No, no,"

"We just need to talk baby, nothing bad. I just want to talk to you,"

The younger sniffled, resting his head on the wall.

Yoongi smiled, kissing his collarbone, "Want to drive?"

Taehyung tried to laugh, "I a-almost c-crashed trying to drive t-the other d-day, why w-would you let me a-again?"

"Because you had fun. It's not like you really could crash, I'll be right there,"


"Yeah kitten?"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"


Yoongi rolled his eyes, "No mom,"

Taehyung tried to contain his giggles, digging his face in the soft blankets.

"Wait, no. No, seriously don't," Yoongi sounded panicky, "No, you don't need to come here, I'm not that sick, it's fine- and she hung up,"

He looked to Taehyung with a nervous smile, "So my mom's coming. I'm sorry, she's crazy. I told her I was sick and that I couldn't make it, and she freaked out and said she was coming over to make me soup,"

Taehyung smiled, "I told you, I'm fine, it's alright,"

Yoongi sighed, pulling the younger onto his lap, "I know you are now, but before you were almost hysterical,"

"Pft, you don't know me," Taehyung denied, playing with his sweater paws,

"Oh I do know you," Yoongi smirked, nosing at his jawline, "So kitten, what should we do for the next hour?"

Taehyung almost purred when Yoongi started playing with his hair, melting into the elder, "Sleep,"

Yoongi smiled, grabbing a few blankets to lay over them, "Alright kitten, sleep well,"

He hummed, clutching onto Yoongi's shirt as he drifted off.

Yoongi sighed when someone knocked on the door an hour later, he knew it was his mother.

He picked up his phone and called her, "It's open mom, be quiet please,"

Yoongi's mother came flying in with a worried look, while his dad dragged behind with arms full of groceries.

"Baby are you alright? Do you have a fever?" She asked, taking off her shoes.

"No. I'm not sick,"

She stilled, "What?"

"I lied because my boyfriend was having a bad day and I felt it wasn't a great time for you guys to meet,"

"Your whatfriend?" His dad asked.


hey hoes 1153 words

i has 3 assignments from alegbra 2 and 4 assignments from geometry. due tonight. i havent stared :)

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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