"So you're telling me that she didn't even try to help?" "And you told her that you still love her?" Normani and Victoria says and I nod my head. "Its like she was ready to go kill at first then just said fuck you in the end. I didn't expect it to go that way. I ex-" "Expected for her to break up with Dani and run back to you and be a happy family?" Victoria questions. I look at her and sigh. "DJ, you can't expect her to just drop everything for you, when you told her you was going to wait for her and didn't. It's not fair to her." She continues. "Dinah she's right. I mean no matter what you guys went through she always came back to you. You made a promise to her that you was going to wait for her and you're with someone else. Just because you're ready doesn't mean she's ready for it now." Normani says.
"I just... I just thought it was just going to be happily ever after. She'd beat him up, she'd break up with Dani, we'd get back together and get married and probably have another kid. Move-" 'Dinah, yeah, come back back to reality. After all the bs you probably said to her and whatever harsh shit she said back, the last thing she would want right now is to be with you." Victoria says. I hear her grunt and she looks at Normani. "Okay, ow. Two, she needs to hear the truth. she needs someone to keep it real with her. She can't keep hoping her dreams are real at the moment." "Okay okay enough. I get it. What should I do about Odell?" I ask as I put my wine glass on the coffee table sitting back on the coach. I look up and see Normani and Victoria looking at me. "GET RID OF HIM!" They say at the same time. "How? Every time I leave he beats me harder and I can't take another beating." "When is the next time he's away for a game?" "Tonight. Why?" "Well you need to pack some bags because you're coming to stay with me and Lauren." "Mani I can't do that. He'll come looking for me and your house is the first place that he'll look." "No he'll go to your parents house then go to my house. It gives us a good amount of time to get you out the house before he comes. Plus he's going to be gone." "Fine." I say with a sigh.


"So you're telling me that she confessed to you that he is beating on her and told you that she still loves you and you're here talking to us?" M.A asked. "She just said he was literally beating on her. Confirmed your thoughts and you ain't beating his ass?' Chris says. I look at him and down at the phone. "You sounding and looking real stupid right now." I hear Jared say and I cut my eyes at him. "Man shut up!" "Nigga don't get mad because you sitting on your couch not beating his ass and getting your baby moms back. Nigga GETCHO ASS UP!" M.A. yells  and you can hear Reem laughing in the back. I shake my head and laugh at them two. "I don't even know where he's at." "Oh he's on his way to New York for his game tomorrow." Jared says. "Aight bet so y'all come out here tonight and stay at the crib and tomorrow we handle everything. Jared bring a few of your boys and I'll have mine and we do what we gotta do. He shouldn't be doing that to someone that ain't do shit to him." She says. "Aight I'll hit my boys up to meet us out there tomorrow." Jared says. "Aight blood I'll see y'all later." She says before she hangs up.
"You sure you don't want me to just handle it.? You got a whole career and kids that depend on you. You gotta think about your kids sis." "Nah because I want him to feel my pain. He yanked my daughter out a car and threw my son at a door. He's not getting away with that shit. I already had one man put his on one kid and try to get away with it. But putting your hands on two of my kids and baby mother? Im handling him my way. He ain't gonna be able to play football anymore." "Okay, Y/N/N. Don't do anything to jeopardize what you got going on. You got kids to come home to." "I know that Jared. I ain't say you was going to kill the man. Let's just say he'll be out for the season." I say looking at him.
   "So can you take the kids for me? Kat wants me to go to New York to record a song with her." I say and she shakes her head. "I can't I'm busy tonight. I'm hanging with Victoria and Normani tonight." "So hanging with your friends is more important than you watching your kids?" I ask Dinah. "Y/N we are doing something very important tonight why can't you take them with you?" "Hello? I just told you that I'm going with Kat. We smoke just about anywhere we go. Plus, I'm not having my kids around grown ass men that carry guns." I say as she sighs. "I'll call my parents and see If they could watch them."
I watch as she walks away and calls one of the parents. I look at the different faces she makes as she's on the phone who I can tell is most likely her mom by the roll of her eyes. I smile and think about what Malika could possibly getting on her nerves about now. I watch as her face becomes more serious and confused. "... she doesn't even care. She doesn't even want to help. Im leaving there tonight..." I hear as she raises her voice. I can't help but wonder who she's talking about and where she's going tonight.
Was she talking about me? I care about her more than I should. I was lying to her when I said I was falling in love with Dani. Yes I have love for Dani but I know that it's no more than a friend type of love. I can't see her as anymore than a friend. I only said that to Dinah only to make her feel the pain I felt.
      I look back at Dinah and watch her as she talks on the phone. "I care." "Hold on, what did you say?" "I said that I care Dinah. I never said I didn't. If I didn't care I wouldn't be going to do what I'm going to do." "What are you talking about Y/N?"
     I walk closer to her and grab the phone and put it on the counter. I put my hands on her face and pull her closer to me. "I care Dinah. I'm going to help you. Just find a way to move out of his house in the next week. I got you D." I say to her while looking her eyes and wiping away stray tears. She nods her head and looks down at my lips then back up at my eyes. I nod my head and we move towards each other to close the space.
    "Y/N DONT YOU DARE CHEAT ON THAT GIRL WITH MY DAUGHTER!" I hear Malika yell from the phone. We pull away and look down at the phone. "I thought you hung up?" Dinah whispers. I shook my head. "Y'all better not be kissing or i'll beat both of your asses. Bring me y'all kids, so you can go do what you need to do." She says and then we hear her hang up.
I sigh and move back from her. "Listen Dinah, what happened just-" "Don't worry about it. I'm going to get the kids and bring them to my mom. You should go catch your flight." I watch as she walks out the kitchen and hear her go up the steps to the twins room.
  "Stupid. Stupid stupid!" I say as I hit my forehead. I walk up the stairs and head into the twins room and see Dinah packing their bags  "Dinah, listen-" " I don't want to talk about it Y/N. You have a girlfriend that you're falling in love with. You shouldn't worry about how I feel." She says as she aggressively packs the kids things.
  "Hey! If anything I care more about how you feel than how she does. You're the mother to my kids. You were once my everything. If you feel some type of way about something I care enough to listen. You mean more to me than she ever will Dinah." "Why do you do that?" "Do what?"
   "Break me down then try to build me back up. Before I gave you a chance, you did that. When we first started talking, you did that. Now when I tell you that I'm getting abused you acted like you care and then basically said fuck you. I gave my all to you, you know? Even after you dated one of my best friends. I had your kids. I take care of your kids. I deal with your baby momma. What's the point of tearing me down if you're just going to try to build me up? What are you scared of something? Scared to love? Scared of me?" She says with tears in her eyes.
     I grab her hand and bring her to my room. "I don't mean to do that to you. I really don't. Im not scared of you. Im scared of myself." "Why are you scared of yourself?" I sigh and look down "Because I don't want to turn out like him. If I turn out like him then I don't know what I would do. Knowing what he did to my mother, I don't want that to happen to you. I don't want to put my hands on you. I don't want to hurt you. I love you with everything in me. More than you think. More than I think. I can't hurt you not after everything. I want you Dinah. I do. I'm sorry for everything I don't mean it. Whatever you want me to do I'll do it." I say as I wipe the tears that are coming down my face.
      I feel a hand grab and wipe my face. "I want you to get help. I want you to talk to someone. You can't let all this hurt eat you alive. I know you're not going to turn out like your father. Wanna know how I know? Because you've shown me that you wouldn't do the things that he's done. You got mad at me because I was dating someone that was hurting me. Y/N I love you and if I have known that you was going to try and hurt me I wouldn't love you. You're not going to end up like him okay? And I'm going to make sure of that. I promise you this time Y/N that I'm going to be waiting for you. I don't want nobody else but you."
       I shake my head. "You said that last time. How do I know that your being serious?" I look at her and see her give me a slight smile. "Because this time I mean it. Look, if we do this then we have to keep our promises." She intertwines our right pink fingers and kisses it and looks at me and I do the same. I smile and nod my head. "Now can you tell me what you are really doing in New York?"
     "I'm going to go beat up your ex. Before you say anything,-" "Go." "Wait what?" "Go. Go beat him up. I know it doesn't sound like me but he put his hands on our babies and I can't do it." " I'm beating him up because he put his hands on my babies. He put his hands on all of y'all. He's going to pay Dinah. While I'm in New York I'm going to need you to move out of that house while he's not there. I'll get you an apartment where he can't find you and then when the time comes then we can work on us. Because I'm ready for another little baby." "Woah. Okay first, I was planning on moving out with Victoria and Normani tonight. Two, I'm one of your babies? I don't think that Dani would like to hear you call me that. And three, who said that I wanted to have more kids by you? You trapped me once already I think I'm good." I laugh and look her in her eyes.  "Yeah you're one of my babies. You gone forever be one of my babies. I love you D." "I love you too Y/N/N." "Come on let's get these babies to your moms house before she thinks I cheated and we were fucking." She laughs and nods her head.
"Don't tell me y'all were having sex with the kids in the house? And Y/N/N you cheated on Dani?" I shake my head as I lay Kaleo on the couch and put his backpack on the floor. "No I did not cheat and we weren't having sex. We were talking." "About?" "Us and this whole thing with Odell." "What about Odell?"

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