It is not easy sneaking around without speed with a bleeding head. I have to constantly hide against walls and run, at a human speed, behind doorways all while keeping one hand cupped against the back of my head so that drops of blood don't leave a trail on the ground. The bleeding has mostly stopped by now and only a few drops still fall.

I finally find what appears to be a med bay which I is, very luckily empty. I open and close a few draws until I find one that appears to be holding bandages, gauze, medical tape and some butterfly bandages. I take out one of everything as well as a small mirror for me to inspect the back of my head. It appears to be a pretty narrow cut that probably needs stitches but I don't know how to do that so I opt for using a few butterfly bandages instead. I quickly apply 2 before deciding it is good enough. I'm packing away everything I was using when all of a sudden I hear a voice behind me.
"Hey, what are you doing in here?"
I quickly whip around to see Caitlin and Cisco standing by the computers a few meters away from me. With no other choice I decide to use my speed to make a run for it. Running as fast as I can while everything around me is frozen, I run out the door and towards the nearest wall to phase through. Because they saw me, they will probably be on high alert and search all the rooms. Including the storage room. My only option is to leave the building and come back tonight when they have all already left. As I run down the hallway however, my vision starts to blur and everything spins. I try to shake it away but end up puking l over the floor. Before I can do anything else, I fall to the ground, unconscious.

I wake to the sound of muffled voices arguing. I slowly open my eyes and blink rapidly in the harsh light.
"... Needs medical attention," I hear Caitlin argue with someone.
"We can't let her out till Barry gets here, she could be evil like all the other speedsters we've faced," Cisco says.
"She's just a kid!"
"So? Kids can be bad guys as well. Just wait a few more minutes for Barry to get here."
My eyes adjust to the light and I find myself in some sort of cell with padded blue walls. The front wall however, is made of some sort of glass allowing me to see out and the people on the other side of the glass, such as Caitlin and Cisco, to see in. I slowly sit up, my conscious state not noticed by Caitlin and Cisco as they argue. I sit up against the back wall and feel the back of my head to feel the butterfly bandages I put on both fell off, causing my head to start slowly bleeding again. All this blood loss can't be very good for me, I think as my vision starts to swim. I try to vibrate my hand but it doesn't work. This must be a power dampening cell meaning my speed healing won't kick in.

I hear a sudden gust of wind as Barry and Wally both appear in their suits.
"Guys, were you too busy arguing to see she's awake?" Barry says.
Caitlin and Cisco both turn their heads towards my cell, finally noticing me awake.
"Oh, she must have just woken up or something," Cisco tries to cover up.
"So why did you send me an sos? Is she a meta?" Barry asks.
"We found her after she broke into STAR Labs. And guess what? She's a speedster," Cisco says.
"So how did you manage to catch her?" Wally asks, speaking for the first time. Caitlin and Cisco both look at each other.
"Well, she uh, she kind of just collapsed when she was running away," Caitlin answers. They all stare at me for a second before Barry's eyes move to the small puddle of blood forming on the ground from my head wound.
"She's bleeding, we should take her to the med bay," Barry says.
"But she's a speedster! She will just run away the moment we open the cell." Cisco cries out. I laugh inside at the thought. I can barely stand up right now, let alone run. Barry looks deep in thought for a second.
"Why don't we use metahuman cuffs? We can open the door and I can run in, cuffing her before she can run away," Barry says. They all agree with his plan and Wally runs off, appearing a few seconds later with a pair of cuffs in hand. Barry takes them and tells Cisco to open the door. The second the door is open big enough for Barry to slip through, he runs in and places the cuffs on my wrists. He then leads me out of the cell and runs me back to the med bay. I take a seat on the bed as we wait for Caitlin and Cisco to catch up.
“Aren’t you the girl that works at Jitters?” Barry asks me. I nod.
“And, you’re a speedster?” He asks. I nod again. He tilts his head as he looks at me.
“Have I seen you before? I mean before I bumped into you and before Jitters.” He looks at me in thought for another second before Caitlin and Cisco finally arrive.
“Okey dokey, let's take a look at that cut on the back of your head,” Caitlin says, pulling on some latex gloves. She gently moves some of my hair away and cleans the cut with some water.
“This needs to be stitched. How did you get it?” She asks me while getting out a needle and thread from one of the drawers.
“I banged my head on a table,” I mumble, not wanting to tell them about the seizures yet or they will probably run a bunch of tests on me.
“Is that why you were in the med bay when we found you?” Cisco asks.
“Yes,” I reply. Caitlin starts to put in the first stitch and I wince as I feel the needle pass under my skin.
“Why did you come to STAR Labs? you could have gone to a hospital. How did you even get in here without setting off the alarms? Even The Flash can’t run fast enough to fool the alarms.” Cisco questions. I shrug and wince again as the needle passes through again.
“All done.” Caitlin declares, putting the needle and left over thread away. Cisco is still staring at me suspiciously.
“Who is she?” Joe asks as he walks into the room. Eyes immediately drawn to my cuffed wrists, he moves his hand to his gun which rests by his belt. I keep my eyes glued to his hand which is by his gun as Cisco explains the situation.
“We found her in sneaking around the med bay earlier and when she tried to run away she fainted so we locked her in the pipeline while she was out waiting for the Flash and Kid Flash to arrive and when they did the Flash said we should check out the head wound she had which we just did,” Cisco explains in one breath.
“Uh hu, but why does she have metahuman cuffs on?” Joe asks, staring at me suspiciously as if I might attack him.
“She’s a speedster,” Caitlin tells him. Joe’s eyes widen a fraction, his hand never straying from the gun at his side.
“I’ll take her back to her cell,” Cisco says. Grabbing my arm gently and leading me out of the room.
“Do you think she’s a bad guy?” Joe asks Caitlin as Cisco leads me out of the room.
“I don’t know.”

(2298 words)
I also spilt this chapter in two because it was super long. Hope you enjoyed. ;)
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P. S. What's your favourite flavour cake?

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