9. Worst date ever

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Worst. Date. Ever.

I had my doubts about it anyway after the whole kiss with William but I mean..

The fact William already had Nic there watching over me said it all. He'd never done this before, he'd known I gone on dates before with men but this time it was different.

I did grill me about the guys when he found out but it never went any further than that.

This is why I don't date.

Don't forget you spent the entire night thinking about William.


Not the point though, I thought I'd give Russ a go. He's a handsome guy, well spoken but clearly has a problem with alcohol.

A shame really...

But, let's not forget William kissed me and asked me well not asked told me not to go.

I think I'm confused.

I did however have a really nice time with William after my "date". We went for coffee and cake, we talked and laughed.

We did share another kiss.. it felt different this time, not forced.. natural.

Ever since that kiss I couldn't stop thinking about him and the way my lips tingled in memory everytime i touched them.

I'm now sitting at my desk going through mail for William. He's on a call at the moment but I can feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

I turn to look at him through the glass and his eyes immediately meet mine. He sends me a wink and I quickly turn back to my mail.

Flushed cheeks and a tingle down my spine was all it took to get me thinking about our kiss the other night.

You're at work, calm down.

"Hey Eleanor.." Russ stands at my desk, hand rubbing the back of his neck, looking pretty sorry for himself.

I sigh and give him a weak smile.

"Hey Russ.. how are you?"

No point asking, I know exactly how he is.

He gives me a half smile and moves closer to my desk.

"Eleanor... I'm so sorry about the othe-" he was interrupted by Williams office door opening.

There he stand in all his glory, eyes ablaze and chest puffed.

"Russ, is there a problem?" He asks stepping in front of me.

"No problem sir, I was just chatting to Eleanor." He says, now growing slightly annoyed.

"Get back work then." William all but ordered him. No need to be rude but I understand why he is.

Russ, grunted and said nothing before walking back to his post.

"I'm sorry about what he did to you El, but I won't tolerate him. Not only was he a jerk but he also doesn't know when to stop." William whispers.

I nod and smile sadly before looking back over to Russ who was already chatting the Sarah the receptionist.

He's fine El.

I sigh and get back to work. William goes back into his office before buzzing me in.

"El, come here." He patted his leg.


I walked towards him decided against sitting down in his lap, although I would've loved to.

His eyes flash with hurt before quickly switching to amusement.

"Are you scared Eleanor?" His voice low, awakening every nerve ending in my body.

He makes his way over to my now frozen body. I furiously shake my head at his question.

He stalks towards me, like a predator stalks it prey.

I follow his movements before he begins circling me slowly.

What do I do?

"El, I've been thinking about the last time we kissed, I know you felt something too..." He whispered softly in my ear. Running his lips over the shell of my ear.

I swallow, knowing I'd love to respond but currently my heart is in my throat.

His hands reach the ends of my hair, twirling it delicately between his finger tips.

"Have you been thinking about it too?" He says, eyes focused on the dark waves wrapping around his finger.

I can do nothing but nod. My eyes wide as I try and search for answers.

He doesn't ask me anything more, his lips hungrily met mine. I didn't hesitate this time.

Our tongues danced toegther, exploring every inch they could. My hands came up to his muscular biceps, holding on for dear life.

His hands clasped on either side of my head, pulling me closer, deeper till he was satisfied.

His hands slowly begin moving down my body leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

Just as he reaches my hips, a commotion outside his office breaks us apart.

His eyes still hungry and hazy.

His head flicks towards the door, his hands pulling me closer than before.

I begin to step back in order to gain some space between us, just incase whatever is outside flows in he-

My thoughts cut off by a older man and a woman I knew all too well.


I straighten myself out quickly and gain enough space between us before Ella and the man's attention is on us.

"Don't you dare touch me! Do you know who I am?" She snarled at Russ.

He didn't say a word, he let go of her with a grunt.

"William will be hearing about this!" She huffs like a child before turning towards William and I.

I watched her eyes land on me, her lips curled in annoyance before bouncing over to William who was now standing near his desk, arms crossed against his broad chest.

"You cannot just barge in here." He said to no one in particular. Pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

I decide to keep my mouth shut and decide this isn't a conversation I want to be apart of.

I slide out the office before anyone notices.

That was close.

I can hear the man and William talking before I hear Ella giggle.

I wish I stayed in there now.

The chatter dies down to a indecipherable muffle and I decide to carry on with my work.

A few moments later Ella and what I now know to be her father emerge. She's looking too happy to be coming out of what I thought was a serious meeting.

My stomach drops and turn to look over at William who is slumped at his desk, white knuckling his bottle of whiskey.

Uh oh.

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