37. bloody and bruised

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"So what are we talking here?" William muttered to his lawyer.

William's knuckles were bloody and bruised and his suit was torn but he didn't seem to care.

He held me close as his lawyer delivered the outcome of his little chat with Russell.

"He's pressing charges. We might be able to get you off on self defence but that's pushing it.." his lawyer states, rolling his eyes at William.

William just scoffed.

"It'll never make it that far, you know that. Russell is finished and Elizabeth will be next." He growls, a serious look came across his lawyers face.

His lawyer just nods and begins making phone calls.

"El, I'm sorry you had to witness that but I wasn't about to let him do whatever the hell he had planned for you, he need-"

"William Turner, in what world did you think that, that was a good idea?" His father booms from the double doors as he entered the room.

"Dad not right now, please. I had my reasons." William spoke.

"Did I or did I not tell you that I would handle this Russell? I believe i-"

"Enough. He'd shown up at Eleanor's house, unsure of his plans but by the looks of what I walked in on I wasn't about to let that happen." William said sternly, his tone serious and protective.

If it were different circumstances I would've felt giddy but this was hardly the place to act like a 16 year old school girl.

Whilst the two of them argued, I dreaded to think of what my house looked like when I left..

Russell was like a man posessed, William acted like an animal, long story short my house is fucking trashed.

Not that I condone violence but I knew something was off with Russell when I answered the door, if I hadn't have been on the phone to Will, god knows what would've happened.

I mean, what the hell did I do? I mean I thought we were all good.

Clearly not.

"Miss Barker, are you okay dear? I didn't bring William here up to act like an animal but he does have my protective gene..." His father says, rubbing the back of his neck, knowing full well that he's bullshitting.

I smile and nod.

"I'm going to take Eleanor home." He gets up and grabs my hand.

"Let me know the outcome." He says quietly to his lawyer before he says goodbye to his father who stays behind.

"Will, I cant-"

"You're coming to my house. I don't care that you don't know how you wanna move forward with me but you can't go back to your house El." He says seriously, pulling me to face him.

I don't argue. I don't have the energy to. I follow him to his car, we don't speak a word to each other but my hand is held firmly in his.

"Will?" I whisper as he starts his car.

He hums in response.

"What about Elizabeth? I mean surely she'd know by now that you would know what's happened, not only you but Ben and myself too..." I trail off, I honestly cannot predict what's going to happen next.

She's cunning and unpredictable, nothing about her makes sense but at the same time it kind of does?

He seems to mull over my question, his thumbs tapping against the leather steering wheel.

"I'll let my lawyers handle her, I'm not wasting anymore of my fucking time on this shit show." He grounds out as we turn up his driveway.

I have never before seen William so aggressive and cold like I did back at the house and even with his lawyer..

I can understand why he acted the way he did.

"El, you coming?" He looks at me as if he's asked me a million times already.

"Yeah sorry.." I pull myself out the car, grabbing my handbag.

He guides me inside, as soon as I reach the kitchen, memories flood back to the times I spent here.

He seems to feel the same as he turns to look at me.

I squirm under his gaze. I feel like I know where this is heading, I'm not sure if I'm ready for it yet...

"El..." My name fell from his lips just like it did those nights.

The energy shifted in the room and his lips were on mine instantly.

I didn't fight it.

I couldn't.

I lean in closer, dropping my bag to the floor and running my fingers through his hair.

He groaned as his hands reach my ass, our bodies couldn't be any closer.

He didn't speak, he lifted me swiftly and placed me onto the dining room table.

His hands rushing to lift my shirt, my hands followed suit and all but torn the buttons from his dress shirt.

I didn't care and neither did he by the looks of it.

As the buttons hit the floor, his eyes shot up to mine, a dark look forming his features as his rough hands travel to my pants.

He slides them off with ease, I watch as he moves his fingers inside my underwear.

I push forward against him, as soon as his fingers touched me I was in a daze. He could've done and said anything in the moment and I would've willing done it.

"El, do you want this?" He grounds out as he becomes more impatient.

I throw my head back in pleasure as his fingers move faster.


That was all it took for him to dive right in. His hard cock pressed against my throbbing entrance, he didn't wait.

He thrusted hard, my body was tingling and his head dove into the crook of my neck.

It was quiet, it was soothing as silly as that sounds.

He continued to pound into me, rubbing my clit as he got closer to his climax.

"I've fucking missed you.." he groans into my ear.

He groans and pulls me in tight as he reaches his orgasm. I can the warmth of him pulsating through me.

"Fucking hell..." He breathed against my skin.

I have never felt more alive than what I do right now.

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