28. Sobered him right up

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"El? What.. what are you doing here? I didn't know-

"No of course you didn't. I assume that's why this lovely woman is here.." I gesture to the scantily clad woman now pulling herself off his lap and making for a quick getaway.

As I hear the door shut, my eyes narrow in on Will and the loosened tie around his neck.

His eyes glassy and his desk a mess. Papers are strewn all over the desk and the floor and his belt lays across the back on his chair.

One can only assume by my observation of what was about to go down here. I don't say a word before moving towards him.

As I get closer he seems to sink further into his chair. A sickly waft of whiskey attacks my senses.

I control the urge to vomit and step further before I'm right in front of his desk.

"What the hell?" I say calmly. He's drunk, there's no point in ripping him a new one, it won't compute.

He lazily looks up at me, his face scrunched up and pale.

"I don't know..." He drawled.

"You don't know why that woman was here? You don't know why your belt is sitting on your desk?" I question sarcastically.

I plop myself into the leather chair facing his desk and cross my legs, calmly awaiting whatever drunken response comes out of his mouth.

He looks to the door and then to his desk, he seems to concentrate really hard before he looks back to me.

That sobered him right up.

"Oh shit... El.. I'm so sorry. Nothing h-happened.. I swear it.. I-" it all seems to be making sense to him now.

"The fact that she was even here and you'd pretty much already started something which by the way, I'm so sorry for interrupting..." I say childishly.

"Your intentions were there, like, I'm confused as to why.. I mean we haven't had a fight.. we certainly hadn't broken up.. well not that I was aware of..."

He shakes his head, as if what I'm saying is wrong.

"That's not how it-" I cut him off before he could dig himself a deeper hole.

"It's exactly what it looked like and I would say exactly how it was going to go too."

His head falls into his hands as he realises what's just happened here. Like, imagine if I hadn't of walked in.

I realise I'm not going to get any answers sitting here prodding him. He will only back peddle and we will end up in bigger mess then what we started in.

" I just came to see if there was any work for me. I think it's safe to say, I resign. Also, we are done." I say coldly, holding back tears, I walkout of his office in silence.

He doesn't protest, he just watches me. I don't look back, if I do I may just cave and this hard façade will crumble and I'll sit there crying letting him try and fix this.

I can't do this. Not right now anyway.

The harsh winter's day smacks me right in the face as I rush out the building. My pride trailing behind me.

How could I have been so stupid?

I know exactly who William is, I know exactly how he operates but I must say this has come as quite a shock to me.

I thought he was different, I thought WE were different. Clearly not.

As I walk down the wet foot path, pellets of rain landing softly on top of my hair. Tears roll off my cheeks, trying my hardest to hold them back. I weave through the crowds of people looking for a spot to stop and clear my head.

I spot the coffee shop that I frequent regularly and decide that's my stop. I push open the door, my senses immediately greeted by coffee and baking pastries. I can finally breath a little better.

I don't bother ordering, i sit myself down at the most secluded table and drop my head into my hands.

My phone has been incessantly ringing ever since I left the office but I just don't have the energy for whoever it is right now.

The usual chirpy looking barista spots me and scurries over.

"Hey are you alright?"

The question seems to have broken me. My tears are suddenly freely flowing down my cheeks and my throat closes up. I shake my head whilst trying to wipe the tears but it's no use.

"No... Not really..." I don't even recognised my own voice.

The man quickly drops his notepad and takes a seat next to me. His eyes watch over me with genuine sadness.

He places a hand on mine, soothingly rubbing in circles in an attempt to comfort me.

My breathing slows down and I slowly gather myself. I pull my head from my hands and lok up at the man who has come to comfort me.

"I'm so-sorry.. This is so embarrassing I-"

"No don't be sorry. I don't know what's happened but I hope you're okay." he leaves his hand on mine, his eyes bore into mine, searching for the answer. I smile half-heartedly and nod. I place my hair behind my eyes and look over to the ever growing line of customers waiting for their coffees.

"You better get back... you're a little busy..." I say sheepishly pointing to the line.

His head quips to the side, muttering a 'oh shit' under his breath before he looks back to me.

"Are you sure you're okay? Can I get you anything?" He asks sweetly.

I smile and shake my head before he nods and rushes back behind the counter.

I sigh and realise how silly i must look sitting at this little corner table, crying to myself. I decide to pull it together, at least if I'm going to cry, I should do it in private.

I quickly gather myself and duck out of the shop, taking a quick look back to the barista who watched me head out the door with nothing but a wave.

My phone rings again and this time I decide its probably time to answer.


"El? It's Ben.."

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