2. She's your assistant

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"I don't understand the appeal man... I mean she's hot but.. she's your assistant.."

If I could roll my eyes anymore I'd fucking lose them in the back of my head somewhere.

Ben has a very annoying trait which allows him to be really nosey and irritate me to the point I have to walk away mid way through conversation.

"I mean, she's YOUR assistant, not mine so I mean... I could always go for that..." He smirks, knowing I'd like to throttle him right about now.

Ben was made aware of my feelings towards Eleanor a few months ago when he caught me stating at her from a far with a small smile on my face and to this day he has never let me live it down.

I shook my head and trained my eyes towards Eleanor at her desk, "No you cannot "go for that" because that is my assistant". I lean back and look back towards Ben and smile sarcastically.

He raises a brow towards me then looks over at Eleanor, I watched a smile grace his face and it soon turns to a smirk.

I watch as he makes his way over to her desk and catches her attention. She dazzles him with her signature smile and they begin chatting.

From what I can decipher, Ben has once again tried to woo her and she's not having a bar of it. Her laugh is fake, Ben hasn't worked that out but I know her. I've watched her turn down countless men from my company and men from other companies, I'm not sure why but I'm not complaining.

Before I can even get out of my office to save her, she's already walking this way with Ben hot on her heels.

I sit back and wait for whats about to unfold. The look on her face tells me she's not impressed by Ben's effort or lack there of.

"Mr. Turner, could you please tell your brother I'm not interested in dating him, please." She begs me with those beautiful doe eyes with a small pleading smile.

It sends me into a tail spin of feelings, feelings where I just wanna pick her up and leave this place and others that are maybe not so tame and definitely not appropriate for the workplace.

Hence the reason as to why I come out with what I say next.

"What about me Miss Barker?" I ask with a devilish grin.

She's taken back by my question as I watch the blush rise up her neck filling out into her cheeks.

She quickly catches herself and straightens out her tight pencil skirt.

"Mr. Turner, dating in the workplace is not allowed if I remember correctly?" She smiles cheekily at me.

I huff and chuckle, looking down at my desk I nod with a smile. Ben cannot seem to contain his laughter as he giggles like a little girl, watching our conversation.

"Will that be all?" She says, looking between the both of us like children being scolded.

I nod and with that she turns on her heel and sashayed out my office.

"Whew... I take back my "she's your assistant" comment, if I were you I'd be all over that." Ben says seriously watching her walk back to her desk.

"She's off limits." I ground out, watching a flick of something I've never seen before, pass through Ben's eyes. He's told me numerous times that he'd never go there but for some reason, I feel like that may have changed.

"The cleaners have arrived at your place, her belongings have been removed and I've been given samples and designs for you to go over and approve for redecorating..."

We've been sitting in my office since 4, going over contracts and ensuring documents have been signed. It's now 7.34pm and for once, I don't want to go home.

Her voice trails off as she catches me watching her intently.

I quickly snap out of it, clearing my throat and loosening my tie. I get up and pour myself a whiskey, my mind filters back to the moment she mentioned about workplace dating. Does she really think I'd enforce that rule on her? With me? Hell no.

I wonder what she'd say, just between the two of us if I'd asked her out for dinner or drinks. I think against it for now, I've got to do this right and not rush it, she's not stupid and she has a tendency to look into things too much instead of seeing things for what they really are.

"Well, I feel like we've covered all bases here.. can I leave? Unlike you Mr. Turner some of us need sleep.." she giggles, watching as I raise my brow over at her.

"I do sleep Miss Barker, how rude of you to assume I don't?" I chuckle, she smiles and shakes her head. She packs up her things and makes her way to the door. She pauses just as her hand hits the handle.

"Have a good night William.." she sends me a saultry smile over her shoulder and continues out the door.

I lean back in my chair, replaying that smile over and over in my head, with my name coming out her mouth just the way it did.

A good night it shall be.

MR. TURNEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant