41. You sound like a gangster

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"Ideally, I want her gone. Of course, I know I can't do that so I need you to find other ways, but no physical harm is to come to her or the unborn child... Understood?" I said nonchalantly, going through paperwork.

"Of course sir. The PI is the best in the business, I'm sure we will have this mess cleared up in no time." My lawyer spouts confidently as he slams his briefcase shut.

"Good, you'll have your bonus deposited tonight." I say quickly looking up to my lawyer before nodding and watching him walk out.

"Goodness me William, you sound like a gangster..." Eleanor's sweet voice filters through my office.

I chuckle.

"Far from it.." I pat my leg, motioning her to come over, her plump rear positions itself on my leg, "Now, I don't take kindly to eavesdroppers.." I whisper jokingly whilst running my tongue down her neck.

Her giggles fill the room, before I could go any further Ben bursts through my doors.

"...Will..." He pants as if he'd just run a fucking marathon. His presence had me on edge, he looked like he'd been running from death himself.

"Ben?" I motioned him to sit and el jumps up and pours a glass of water for him.

"Will, I'm not sure if it's true.. my source is.. reliable but I don't know if I can believe it..." Ben says cryptically.

"Spit it out.."

"Elizabeth had... Had a miscarriage... Now, I don't know details, whether it was accidentally or on purpose but..." Ben's emotions were all over the place. He spotted Eleanor in the room and decided to calm himself down a little.

Of course, it kind of fixes the mess she'd put us in but of course, this was not joyous news. Regardless of what she did it was still sad, but unfortunately my sympathy had far run out with her.

I wanted to feel sorry for her but I honestly couldn't. I felt that this wasn't accidental. I knew she wasn't the mothering type when I first met her. She's a horrid woman but I didn't think she'd go as low as this. Although I wouldn't say that out loud, I knew by look of Ben's face he felt the same.

"Okay." Was all I could say. I'd experienced the loss of a child with Eleanor, I knew she was still struggling with it and I didn't dare say something that would be insensitive.

As much as I wanted to.

"That's sad... Is.. is she okay?" Eleanor piped up from the chair next to Ben.

I knew she hated Elizabeth for everything she had done but something inside her must've felt something.

Ben just shrugs his shoulders, clearly not wanting to say the wrong thing either.


"I hope she talks to someone about it." Was all El said before she walked back to her desk.

"Hows the counselling going?" Ben asks watching El's retreating figure.

"Good I assumed, she's there almost every week-"

"You're not going with her?" Ben asks, shocked.

"Well, I've been once. I've just been so busy sorting out all this shit I just hadn't had time to focus..." I say defensively.

"Oh man... You've got to go with her. By the time you decide that you're free to focus on this, she'll be finished, she'll be ready and able to deal with it. You're still going to lag behind, you'll ruin any progress she's made.." he says seriously.

I so badly wanted to be offended and go off my nut at him but he's right.

I had become a pro at pushing things down, I'd rather get on with things than sit with my emotions and be a sap. But for Eleanor and our baby, I had to do it.

"You're right... For once." I say to Ben, his face brightens.

"Must've felt like poison saying that to me of all people.." Ben laughs.

"Least we know you're good for something." I chuckle. Looking out to where Eleanor is. Chatting happily to one of the couriers that come in everyday.

I admired her strength. The things she'd been through and the shit I put her through, I was even surprised she was within 100 metres of me.

Ben brought me out of my thoughts.

"I'm heading to the bar after work, wanna join?" He says heading towards the door.

"Nah, I'm good thanks." I say staring at the pretty lady sitting right outside my door.

Ben's eyes follow mine.

He chuckled.

"Understood. Talk later." He smiles and heads out. I watch him say goodbye to El and whisper something in her ear.

El looked over to me and then back to Ben with a smile and a nod.

God knows what he's telling her.

I looked down at my watch, it's was 4.45pm, el would be getting ready to leave for therapy right about now.

As if on cue, she began packing up and putting things in her bag.

I debated whether I should go. Would I be gate-crashing her time? Would I hinder her progress? I decided against tagging along. If I was going to do this, I had to start at the beginning. No short cuts.

"Hey, I've gotta go but I'll see you later?" She popped her head in with a smile.

I mirror her facial expression and nod.

As soon as she closed the door I began looking for therapists and counsellors. I wasn't really sure what I needed but if El could do it, so could I.

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