14. This is not happening

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"What was all that about?"

I managed to catch up with Ben, only half around the bloody block.

He turned to face me, his eyes bloodshot as if he'd been crying.

"El... it was nothing, trust me." he said with a fake smile.

He's lying I know that much.

My heart dropped at the sight of him, I didn't like seeing anyone upset, let alone someone as close to me as Ben. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me, gaining his attention.

"Ben... please talk to me. What I witnessed in there wasn't nothing at all. Don't lie to me, please."

His eyes lock with mine, there's something different in them than there normally is. his chest filled with a deep breath before he swallowed and began to speak.

"Eleanor, trust me when I say this is all true... Yes, William and I were arguing... over you. I got angry, I know you've never seen me as anything more but I've seen you more than just a friend for quite some time now..."


This cannot be happening right now, not now. Any other time and i would've been able to handle this. I take a step back from Ben, releasing his arm.

"What? Ben i-"

Before I had even finished the sentence Ben had planted his lips on mine.

No no no...

This. Is. Not. Happening.

He pulled me closer, although my lips weren't moving and my body was rigid our bodies were flush against one another. I tried to pull myself away but that only made him pull closer, his tongue darting from his mouth and trying to push its way into mine.

I finally work up the strength to push him away from me.

"Ben what the hell?!" My fists were balled at my sides, this is not how I was expecting this to go.

"El, I'm sorry..."

"No, absolutely not. You're his brother for Christ sake.. Do you know what he's gonna do when he finds out?!" I'm whisper yelling at this point, can't imagine what our little audience thinks.


I look up to Ben about to blast him again before I see where his eyes are directed. I thought Ben may have retreated but clearly Ben was ready for round two with William.

From just a few metres away I could already tell William had seen, what was most probably the worst part of this confrontation between Ben and I. His face was hard like stone, his muscles tensed and his walk, quite frankly, was downright terrifying.

"What the fuck was that?! I thought after the words we had you understood your position?!" William wasn't taking this quietly. As more of a crowd had formed, the embarrassment was enough for me to turn on my heel and walk away.

William had other ideas. He wasn't ready for me to leave either. His strong arm had darted out from his side in record time to stop me from making a run for it.

He pulled me close to him, not even making eye contact. I can't help but feel hurt at the thought that maybe he thinks I was actually reciprocating feelings with Ben.

"Position?! And what would that have been? Standby idly while you marry a woman I have loved longer than you have and watch you break her heart?! Hell no." Ben roared.

Jesus, I have to stop this, even if its just until we get back to the office. Not only is this incredibly embarrassing but the press will be all over this.


My words were futile in stopping this shit show. They both ignored me and continued to argue.

I pulled myself from William, I began walking to the end of the street, searching or the next taxi.

William hadn't even noticed I'd left his side. I quickly hailed the next taxi and all but threw myself into it. I sent the driver to my house. I couldn't go back to work after all this shit. I'm going to have to ring William later and explain. I don't know what's gotten into either of them but they're acting like petulant children.

If Ben was serious in what he was saying, I wonder why he never bothered to ever ask me out? I mean if you supposedly love someone for so long it would make sense to kind of see if that love was reciprocated or not right? I mean it wasn't and still isn't but ...

I can't dwell on it. Now I've got to do some damage control, not only for my relationship with William but also for the company I regards to his spat with Ben in the street.

I don't know whether this whole relationship/wedding is such a good idea anymore. I mean sure I have feelings for Will but this is moving really fast and the tension between Ben, Will and I would be palpable.

You're also helping him.

This is some serious stuff and I have to be smart on my next move. I can't fuck around anymore.

I decide that rather than think about what I'm going to say to Will or even Ben that i need to keep this under wraps for as long as I can unless its already gotten out..

I make a few calls to friends and friends-of-friends and luckily enough nothing has come up... Yet.

Item one. Tick

Now for 2.

Before I even press call, William is already ringing me.

"Hello? I say wearily, unsure of how I'm about to be greeted.

"El, where are you?! I've been worried sick.. you just left and didn't even go back to the of-"

Is he serious right now?

"Of course I didn't go back to the office. After that show you both put on in the middle of the street. What were you thinking?!" I spat, getting annoyed at how nonchalant he's acting.

He chuckled. I'm not sure what part of this he finds funny?

"Eleanor, why are you angry? If anyone should be angry here it should be me. My own brother has just proclaimed his love for a woman I'm about to marry and doesn't want to let it go.."

I sigh, I don't even know how this whole situation has become so messy but it's something that needs to be remedied before anything happens.

"Let's also not forget that he did kiss you. He's known how I've felt bout you for quit some time and he's always known you were off-limits-"

"Wait, what did you say?" I say shocked from his admission.

"That he's known how I've felt about-"

I quickly cut him off, he knows exactly what part I'm referring to.

"No. The off-limits part." I say as a matter-of-factly.

"Oh, yes. What would you like me to clarify? It's pretty simple don't you think? Everyone in the whole damn office knew that. Even your friend Russ." He says getting mad, I assume at the mention of Russell.

"Why are you being such a jerk about this? This whole time, I've been off-limits to everyone in the office, regardless of whether I was planning on dating them or not? Even when you yourself were married?"

Before I could even add to my well-justified rant, he interrupts.

"Yes." A resounding yes, that just echoes through the phone as every decision I've made in regards to William and this whole situation begin playing out in my head.

I have nothing to say. I can't even form a counter response for that.

"Goodnight Mr. Turner."

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