39. I knew you'd come back to me

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After my counselling session, alone, I headed to the office.

This massive building seemed so daunting now. This used to feel like home, now it feels so foreign.

Don't get me wrong, I did make the decision to come back and work, and William and I have been good lately but it doesn't mean that it doesn't still hold some kind of negativity with me.

I mean, everything that happened, happened at the office or around it.

I pushed away the thoughts as I entered the building.

The receptionist sent me her usual chirpy smile, which I mirrored.

I squashed into the elevator and patiently waited for the top floor. My hands were clammy and my breathing seemed to pick up.

This is not your first day.

You've done this before.

You'll be okay.

I relayed that in my head till the elevator chime brought me out of my thoughts.

I walked through the cubicles, the familiar sound of mindless chatter around me and the sound of the printers going a hundred miles a minute calmed my nerves a little.

"El, come here." Will had popped his out his office and motioned me to come in.

I placed my bag on my desk and headed in.

He sat down and pulled out his laptop, setting himself up for the day whilst talking.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I take a minute to think, am I?

"Yep." I quip.

He stops what he's doing and looks up at me, his eyes telling me that I'm full of shit.

"Look, I know how it ended last time.. I understand that this place seems to attract drama, I promise I'll do my best to keep it away." He says sternly, looking at me.

I nod, about to leave, my mouth opens before I could tell me brain to abort.

"I appreciate that," a wave of confidence comes out of nowhere and seems to take over.

"If there's so much as a hint of drama involving you, I'm leaving." I say confidently.

He doesn't say anything for a little, just continues to stare before a smirk adorns his face.

"I knew you'd come back to me." He mutters.


"What are you talking about? I've been her-"

"No I don't mean physically Eleanor. I mean mentally, you're coming back, I like it." He smiles.

I thought about his words for a minute and realised that maybe he was right, I knew I hadn't been myself after everything that had happened.

I know a few counselling sessions wasn't going to fix me straight away but maybe those few sessions were enough for me to gain myself back.

I decide than rather make a big deal about it I just smile and walk out his office.

Time to throw myself into some work.

The time dragged on a little in the beginning. But I must say, Clara did a great job, not one thing was out of place.

I'd just gone back to my desk after lunch when a familiar face walked through from the elevator.


It was Ben.

I hadn't seen him in a while and I must say, he looked better than I last saw him.

Back to his old self too by the looks of things. I stand up to wrap my arms around him. He was always a good friend to me no matter what happened.

"Ben, how are you?" I smile.

He sits on the edge of my desk, a big, goofy smile lit up his features.

"I've never been better! Honestly. Hey, I'm sorry about what happened..." He trailed off.

"It's okay, honestly, I'm good." I stop him from going anything further. He smiles and nods in understanding.

"You here for good now?" He asks, a finger waving around the place.

"For now." I smile.

"You here to see William?" I ask about to punch in his direct line.

"Yeah, it's okay he's expecting me.." he winks and bounces off my desk and through Williams office doors.

As Ben walked into Williams office I could hear the faint muffles of their voices.

I smiled to myself, glad that they were getting along again like true brothers. Not so long ago, those two were ready to kill each other.

The day seemed to fly by, I wasn't complaining though, I was ready for a cup of tea and a hot bath.

"El, you can start packing up, I'm just finishing up then we can go." His voice filters from the intercom.

I start finishing up, honestly glad that today was over. Although I missed the work, I had gotten so used to doing my own thing I think I forgot how tiring this can be.

I'd grabbed the enormous amount of empty of coffee cups from Williams desk and headed to the kitchen to tidy up.

The sound of the elevator chimed through the empty office, I assumed someone was leaving late.

Loading the dishwasher, the faint click of heels echoed.

I racked my brain trying to figure out who the hell it could be.

Clara doesn't wear heels and I highly doubt she'd leave her husband's side.

There was only one other person I know that would come here after hours.

Of course it was a rational thought but I didn't want to believe it. I don't know if I could stomach that wretched woman right now.

"Will!" Her shrill voice bounced off the walls, tearing up my ear drum.

I debated whether to stay in the kitchen and leave it alone. But my confidence at that point had pushed me out the door and barreling towards William's office.

I could hear her voice yelling and carrying on, William sounded angry.

I didn't think, I just barged in.

"You have ruined everything! You went through my phone! What an invasion of privacy! I'll have-" she screamed. Her face red and soured.

"You will do nothing. You nearly ruined people's lives. I'm glad I did what I did. I told Russell after I'd beaten him to a pulp that I would finish you next." He growled, those normally beautiful eyes had turned to narrow slits.

He was menacingly scary..

Elizabeth took a shaky step back, her body almost trembling. I had never seen her so vunerable.

William quickly shot me an apologetic look before looking back at Elizabeth.

"I don't condone violence against women. I don't wish you that same fate as your counterpart but I have other plans for you. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Office!" He roared, the veins in his neck bulging.

Elizabeth all but ran out of his office. I don't think she even noticed I was in here.

I watched the anger roll away from William as he watched her retreating figure.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that." He grumbles, loosening his tie.

"Its okay... Should we go?" My voice sounds like a whisper.

He nods. Getting up and pulling me towards him. His scent wrapping around me as his lips come in contact with my neck.

"I've got alot of making up to do El."

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