26. Dream or reality?

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I'm not sure if this is a dream or reality...

Surely this is a dream.

I pinch myself to make sure but I'm unfortunately realising that this is reality.

The words slept with, Elizabeth and pregnant are swimming around in my head.

I turn to look at William, he looks terrible. Blood shot eyes, messy hair and smelling like he's bathed in whiskey.

"Wait... So you slept with Elizabeth and now she's pregnant? I assume with your child?" The words stung as they came out my mouth.

His head falls into his hands as his normally strong and confident exterior begins to crumble on my couch.

"I'm not proud of it. But, I'm certain that baby is not mine! I swear it El." His eyes pleading with me to believe him.

My heart breaks as I watch him. It's so early and I'm already deprived of sleep... I don't know if I can deal with this right now...

"How can you be so sure it's not yours? I mean you didn't wear protection with me and you were sober..." I couldn't help myself.

I'm hurt, if I was well rested I may have reacted differently but right now is a different story.

He looks at me as if I'm stupid.

"You're kidding right? You are totally different! Elizabeth and I were drunk, she can't definitively say that anything even happened between us!" His voice booms through my apartment.

"So thats why you're so certain? Because you don't know if anything actually happened?" I say sceptical of his reasoning.

"And I mean why about Ben? Are they not engaged? Could it not be his?"

He huffs and nods his head.

"She's told Ben the same thing." He said tiredly as he leans back.

Why am I not surprised?

"Will, you need to find out and make sure... So does Ben.." I say rubbing my face with both hands as my eyes begin to sting.

He nods along and moves closer to me.

"I'm sorry El... I'm so sorry.." he whispers as he placed his head into my lap.

I don't say anything, only because I'm not really sure what to say..

I run my hand over his head, his breathing begins to slow and his eyes droop shut.

Well I'm glad someone is getting some sleep around here...


I wake up to the smell of coffee and bacon.

Normally I'd be drooling and absolutely starving.

Instead I'm lying in bed, staring at the ceiling still trying to process last night.

Will could potentially be a father.. not only to our baby but to Elizabeth's too...

I'm upset about it, but he didn't cheat on me so technically he hasn't done anything wrong but I still can't help but be mad at him...

I actually feel sorry for Ben, I mean he's so sweet, although I may not have approved of him and Elizabeth doesn't mean he should be trapped in her web of lies.

I send a text to Ben, a innocent 'how are you going' text to see whether I can gauge on how he's really doing.

Just as I hit send, Will quietly walks in with a plate of bacon and eggs and a massive cup of coffee.

"Breakfast in bed? Wow you must of done something terrible..." I say sarcastically as see the glimpse of a smile.

"Don't remind me please.." he says setting down the plate and coffee and hoping in beside me.

I don't have the heart to tell him I won't be drinking his coffee but I pick at the food, watching him.

"Do you believe that it could be mine?" He asks after what seemed like an eternity of silence.

I look over at him, his eyes fixated on the wall Infront of him.

"Well, I guess there's a possibility but if her and Ben have... You know... Then there's a possibility it could be his too.." I roll over to face him, he turns and looks at me with a sad smile.

"I know.. I don't know what to do El..."

Me neither..


Ben: hey El, I'm ok, yourself?

"What are you talking to Ben for?" Will pipes up as I turn to see him with my phone in his hand.

I hold out my hand asking for my phone. His eyes narrow and he slaps in into my hand.

"First off he's your brother. Secondly, he's still my friend, and as a friend I wanted to make sure he was holding up okay.." I say as a matter-of-factly.

He grunts and gets up off the bed and heads into the bathroom.

"I just don't feel comfortable with it considering he only recently confessed his feelings for you and wanted to fight me on it." He mumbles out with a mouth full of toothpaste.

I roll my eyes and throw the covers off me, grabbing my plate, I head out to the kitchen. Deciding I'm not having this conversation right now.

"You can't say that you wouldn't feel the same if it was the other way round el.." he says walking into the kitchen doing up his tie.

I walk over to him and take over.

"I'm sure, but again you know I'm not that kind of woman..." I loop the tie again, "you need to find out if that baby is yours..." I tighten the tie around his neck as he watches me.

"I will. Just stick with me on this El, I know it's not mine. After this, we can just go back to normal, me and you.. please" he pleads.

Me, you + 1...

I don't say anything before he places a long kiss to my forehead and heads out.

I sigh in relief that that's over. I don't know how or why, but in the last 6 months I have been involved or around so much drama than I have ever been in my entire life.

It's so tiring.

In the midst of all this shit I've totally forgotten to check in with Lys and Mitch.. I hope they're doing better than me...

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