8. Torture

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I'm angry.

I knew I would be, never realised I would be this angry though.

I knew I didn't have control over Eleanor, I didn't want to just lock her up in my house and never let her have a life.


No of course I wouldn't. But I did however wish I'd have told her after I kissed her how I felt, I really could've saved myself this torture.

Alas, that would've been too easy.
No, Eleanor is not that easy, she'll make me work for this for her to know I'm 100% serious.

She's seen many of my relationships fail and of course, my marriage.

Although I really hate to even count that one. I regret it wholeheartedly.

I'm sitting here, at the office, it's now 10.32pm. I'm obviously not working, I'm awaiting an update from Nic who just happened to be in the same area as El and Russ.

Go figure.

Okay, I planned it. Whatever.

I almost don't want to know but I do at the same time.

A text message came through just as I picked up my phone.

Nic: @ Cuba's, Miss Barker doesn't look very comfortable.

I fucking knew it, I bet she did to.

Bad idea Eleanor.

Russ is a good guy, but from what I've seen of him out and about he likes a drink or 10.

I've never once seen him aggressive whilst drunk but I also haven't seen him around woman, like ever.

I always put it down to his work ethic but again, does anyone ever really know?

Me: why?

His message was almost instantaneous.

Nic: Mr. Russell appears to be intoxicated, but not with Miss. Barker, with another group of women.

Nic: I've lost sight of them.


Do I go there? Do I not?

My body was shaking, I'm not sure whether it was adrenaline or anger at the fact that he could do this to Eleanor.

My Eleanor.

After a fight with my subconscious, I decided to leave the office and head straight to Cuba's.

I know El may not be too happy to see me, I get it. Russ on the other hand, I could be walking into a complete shit show.

He could also be out of a job.

My phone went off just as I got into my car.

El: I hate to ask, but you wouldn't happen to be close by would you? I only ask as I spotted Nic. Lol

My heart was hammering in my chest, the fact she's messaged me, 1 outside of work hours and 2 whilst on a supposed date, must mean something.

Me: of course I am. What do you need?

Me: are you okay?

I know she mentioned something about double texting last time we spoke but I don't care.

El: I need a lift home? Please? I can go and ask Nic if that's okay with you?

I could just let her go home with Nic, he wouldn't mind and I know she'd get home safely.

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