3. Can't say no to the boss

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William asked if I'd date him.

ME dating HIM

William Turner.

It must've been a joke, not in a million years would I ever imagine that he'd even contemplate even asking me such a question.

I had to keep my cool otherwise he'd think I'm desperate.. well ok I am but that doesn't mean I'd date just anybody.

I've known William for a few years now, I watched him with his ex wife Sarah, not that I don't know the appeal she has to men but William's choice in women is nothing to write home about.

Greedy, crazy and just downright rude.

That's his type.

I'm not sure whether I could keep up with him anyway.
I don't know why I'm even still thinking about this, it's completely unprofessional.

"El! Are you even listening to me?"

"Where is your head right now?"


"I'm here, sorry work overload lately, hard to think about anything else.."

True but not completely.

"It's okay, as I was saying, mum and I want to know if you'll come with us when I look at dresses?"

Ah yes, my sister, Alyssa is getting married in a few months. I would be super excited for her if it wasn't for my failed relationships that seem to get brought up everytime we do anything wedding related.

Her face was lit up light a Christmas tree, impatiently awaiting my answer.
I close my eyes and sigh, knowing if I were to say no that I'd never forgive myself for missing out on being apart of her big day.

"Of course I'll be there Lys."

"Thank you, thank you! I promise I'll keep mum in line and it shall be all about me!" She winks and giggles as she pulls out her phone, assuming she's about to text mum.

I smile back and walk over to the kitchen to make us a coffee, that was until my phone went off.

The ping sound of a message alerted my sister, being the nosey person she is, she launched onto my phone like a fly on shit.

"Who's William?!"


"That's my boss... Mr. Turner remember?"

Her eyes light up with recognition, she's well aware of who he is, she's just always hoping that fate has brought him and I together or really.. anyone for that matter.

She thinks I'm lonely. I am but she and the rest of my family needn't know that.

William: I need to go over some of the contracts from Friday, are you able to do dinner tonight? Work purposes of course.

Okay, so that's not unusual, generally weekends if work is required we do have dinner or lunch, I think I'm just over thinking things since his comment about dating...

Okay well, dinner it is then.

Just as I go to type out my message my sister flings into action and begins fire off question after question about why my boss would be texting me on a saturday or whether I'm not telling her something.

"Lys, it's work. It's always work. Plus he's my boss, it wouldn't be professional to date my boss, it's a recipe for disaster..."


I look up at her, she's relentless, I can still see the cogs turning in her head.

"I'm marrying my boss..."

"Okay but that's different you worked for him for what a month? you quit so the the two of you could date, it's totally different."

The only response is the signature eye roll.

Me: dinner is fine, let me know where and I'll bring the contracts, anything else?"

... ... ...

William: Cuba's @ 7, dont be late.

See, that's all this is, work dinner to go over contracts. Although I swear we went over them a million and one times but can't say no to the boss right?

After sending a confirmation text, I got up and saw Lys out, after reassuring her that I'd tell her if anything were to change into regards to the topic of my boss and I.

6.30pm came round pretty quickly, I changed into a sleek black leather pencil skirt and a white button up. Red heels and a light face of make up.

I got the call at about 6.50pm that the driver was here waiting, I headed outside and into the town car. The rain pelting on the roof and dribbling down the window.

Once we arrive I quickly give myself the once over and get escorted in by the driver.

I'm quick to spot William at the bar, of course accompanied by a leggy blonde.

There would never be a chance for us.

Not to say William is a bad man but he does have a tendency to attract attention and seems to always get caught up with some questionable women, but then again, when you have the looks and the money it almost seems to go hand in hand.

I brush off my thoughts and confidently stride up to the bar, right up along side the blonde who currently has her lips a centimetre away from his ear.

I order a drink and sit back and watch the show unfold until I take my chance to intervene.

"Ah, another blonde again I see Mr. Turner.." I say into my glass of gin and tonic.

Smirking as I hear him clear his throat and send the blonde off with a kiss and promise to catch up later.

Doubt that.

"Well, I never pegged you for a jealous woman Eleanor..." He smiles and winks at me.

Hold your ground El.

I laugh and polish off my drink before tapping my bag that holds those oh so important documents.

He flicks his finger towards the table in the corner and we make our way towards it.

He follows behind me and I can feels eyes burning into my side, I take a quick glance to my left and a group of men in suits are almost sizing me up.

My steps almost falter but I'm quick to gain back confidence, grace them with a quick smile and push on.

William and I take a seat in the booth and I begin to pull out the documents to go through, before I know it 2 men are immediately by my side.

"Can we buy you a drink beautiful?" They're good looking but I don't feel it's appropriate, considering I'm here on work and all.

"Oh... Well-"

"No she's fine, she's with me."

Oh.. okay..

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