33. Hindsight is a wonderful thing

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We shared a moment.

A special, yet utterly heart-breaking moment.

Our child was gone.

I could never measure this pain with anything I've ever experienced before.

It was a pain like no other.

I was glad that Eleanor had finally let me in, figuratively speaking. I wasn't sure how I was going to cope with it on my own. But I understood why it took her so long to open back up. I was ready to close off completely but I knew I was not the only one.

Although I couldn't be there for my child, I knew I could still be there for El.

I'd left El's the day after with less hurt then I did when I rocked up there. I still had pain and sadness but the fact I shared it with El and we made some kind of progress that night had left me feeling hopeful for our future.

I knew I needed to keep myself somewhat occupied which lead me to work. If I'd have known that day what it had in store for me I never fucking would've gone in.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

The woman who has now become a permanent pain in my ass had shown up and let rip at me. Not sure that I really deserved that, but here we are.

I've been sitting in my lawyers office awaiting the go ahead for paternity for the child she's carrying.

I still don't think it's mine, but I also don't think it's ben's either. Something isn't right here. Elizabeth is as shady as they come. I don't want to believe a word she says but I guess when you bring in an innocent child into the mix, it gets complicated.

I'd like to think she wouldn't fake a pregnancy, no matter what the reasoning may be, but again, it's Elizabeth were talking about here.

Of course, she's late again. This is the second time she's rocked up later without proper representation-

Before I could finish the thought, in she waltzes, with her trail of lawyers behind her.

Thank god.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, check up ran a little longer than expected!" she smiled sickly, dropping her bag on the table.

Her eyes immediately meet mine, if I were anyone else I wouldn't see the hidden intent behind her sweet façade.

I glare at her, telepathically telling her 'I know what you're doing.

She looks away before taking a seat across from myself and my lawyer.

"Ms Montgomery has asked for a non-invasive DNA test, as she does not want to put the unborn child at risk. With that being said, we have been in communication with her doctors and have decided that its the safest course of action to take today." Her lawyer says confidently, staring down my lawyer.

I nod in agreeance.

My lawyer is stand-offish. He knows Elizabeth well and what she's capable of, he nods and motions to proceed.

"Wait!" she leans over and places her hand on mine.

What now?

I close my eyes and take a calming breath before removing my hand from under hers.

There was hesitation in her eyes before it quickly passed.

She shakes her head, hopefully deciding against saying something fucking stupid. She motions to the lab assistant that had been brought in to come over and begin.

He was quick and precise. A quick swab in the mouth and he was done. No talking, nothing. I liked it.

"We should have the results within the week. We will inform all parties that results are in and we shall sit again for the outcome. Have a great day." Her lawyer spat the last bit sarcastically. Leaving my lawyer with a smirk.

I however was glad this was over. For now.

I'm certain this will all be cleared up within the week and I can get to focusing on myself and Eleanor.

Everyone had started filing out of the boardroom, I decided to sit back for a bit and just gain some insight on what I needed to do next. Once that door had closed, a breath I didn't realise I was holding left my body.



I quickly pulled out my phone, hoping it could've been El. It wasn't mine...

I took a quick look around the room before I spotted it. How could I fucking miss it. Covered in pink rhinestones and glitter.

Elizabeth's phone.

I thought about taking it out to her but I decided I didn't actually care. However, it started to bug me when it kept going off consistently.

Well, I couldn't not look now could I?

I grabbed it and made sure no one could see into the room before unlocking it.

Most were emails from business partners which were nothing unusual until a text message popped up.


Now before I jump to conclusions, i know this could be any Russell. Knowing Elizabeth she's probably slept with a fair few in her time.

But this surely isn't coincidental.

I decide to have a look.

Scrolling through the pointless messages and sent and received pictures I come across something that leaves me seething.

R: This could cost me my job... If William catches on.. or anybody this will probably cost me my life

E: Don't be silly! You'll be fine, none of them will find out. It's simple. You get me pregnant, I pay you, that's it. Leave me to do the rest.

R: can we increase the payment? This isn't a joke

E: $1.5 how does that sound? On the provision that you actually get me pregnant.


At this point I don't feel like I need to read anymore but I can't seem to stop.

I kept scrolling, messages from about a month ago...

R: did it work?

R: Montgomery???

E: You'll have your payment in a few days. You were a gem, let me know if you ever need some company 😈

I fucking knew it.

I knew there was something shady going in here.

I could fucking kill her. Russell would be next.


I can't just come out with this now... I've gotta be smart about this-

I'm interrupted by the door knob jiggling. I quickly get out of the text messages and lock the phone, placing back were it was.

I quickly straighten up and begin scrawling through paperwork to act busy.

"Sorry darling, left my phone! See you soon.." she smiled at me and blew a kiss.

I didn't look up from the papers, I nodded and waved as she left the room.

I sat shaking with rage, planning what I was about to do next.

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