17. Just so you know

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"Sweetheart, I wouldn't worry too much." Jeanie's soft voice filters through my ears as we sit in the dining room after dinner.

"How can I not worry? We've just cleared things up after our last fight and now what, I've got to find a way to tell her 'Oh by the way, just so you know, I didn't use protection last time we had sex and there could be a chance you might be pregnant?' I've royally fucked up this time."

She smiles and pats my shoulder lovingly.

"Look, these things happen sometimes, I'm sure you two will work it out just fine, If it even comes to that!" she whispers the last part as she gets up to clear the plates.

Dad had retired to his study to finish up some work, glad he wasn't here for this conversation.

I sigh and rub the rough sides of my face. I look down at my watch, 10.30pm, It's getting late.

"Thank you so much for dinner, and the advice of course.." I smile as I peck her cheek and head down to my father's study.


"Yes Will?" The muffled voice filters through the door.

"I'm leaving now, just came to say goodby-"

"Sit down." he cuts me off and gestures to the chair at his desk.

He moves his papers across his desk and clasps his hands in front of me, just staring at me.

"I have to ask son.. Are you serious about Eleanor? Because this whole marrying her just to get away from the Montgomery's is a horrible thing to do to the young woman." He says seriously as he sips his whiskey.

I nod in agreeance.

"Yes that would be horrible if that's what i was doing but I'm not. I feel very strongly about Eleanor and I have for quite sometime now."

"And that's why you and your brother aren't talking? Because of her?" he lifts a brow at me.

I sigh, thinking about it and hearing dad talk about it makes me realise I shouldn't be fighting with Ben over Eleanor. Ben and I shouldn't be fighting regardless.

"Make up with each other. I don't want you two squabbling." He states and moves his paper work back in front of him.

"Of course, Night Dad." I say as head out of his office. I decide if I'm going to apologise, I've got to do it now. I can't go on pretending he doesn't exist, he's my brother for Christ sake.

I leave and decide to head to Ben's.

Regardless of how we both feel about Eleanor, only one of can have her. I'm not about to share and doubt Ben would either.

As i make my way up his drive, his front porch light is on and so is the front room. I assume he's still up, god.

I'm about to knock when I hear giggling coming from inside. Weird, Ben is normally the type to one-night-stand it at a hotel, not his house.

I push the thought aside and knock.

inside goes silent, i can hear muffled voices on the other side of the door. Ben opens the door still half laughing with a glass of wine in his hands.

His smile instantly falls and his face turns to one of anger.

"What the hell are you doing here William?" He grounds out and pulls the door closed so I can't see inside.

"I've come here to apol-"

"William? How nice of you to join us darling..." What the fuck?

"Elizabeth. What are you doing here?" now it's my turn to get angry. Not angry at the fact Ben has her here but angry at the fact she's nothing but trouble and Ben knows it.

"Well, Ben here has been feeling a little sad lately and i decided I'd come to cheer him up ya know? To tell him there's plenty more fish in the sea kind of thing..." Her smudged lipstick and running mascara tells me that's not all she's been doing.

"William, it's none of your business. You've got what you want, now leave me alone." He says, he goes to shut the door but not before I block the door with my foot.

"It is my business. This woman is nothing but trouble Ben and you know it. She'll clean you out and then sell off any information she can get from you. She's vile." I say looking her up and down in disgust whilst she snickers at my comment.

"Fuck off Will."

That's my cue i guess.

I decide that there's no point in trying to talk to him whilst she's around or if he's been drinking.

I head home, thinking of ways on how I can apologise or at least just clear things up...

"Eleanor, where's the Sims contract? I cant find it anywhere.."

She strides in, a small smile on her face and lifts up a tray on my desk that was marked, 'When i can be bothered'.

"Clearly your filing system doesn't work anymore William..' She says looking at the stacks and piles I have lying around my office floor and strewn over chairs.

I huff, looking up at her, smiling.

"Come here please.." I say, watching her walk around to me and planting herself o the edge of my desk.

"Do you remember this position?" I say, running my finger over her stocking-clad thighs.

She blushes and pushes my hand away giggling.

"I have a busy day William, What is it?" She says, struggling to keep a straight face.

I swallow, it's now or never.

"Dinner tonight? My place? We've got some things we need to.. talk about.."

She smiles and tilts her head.

"If it's anything like the last dinner you invited me to i doubt there will be much talking at all." she whispers against my stubbly cheek.

Arousal soon fills my body and thoughts of that night begin to fill my mind, And just like a cold shower I'm brought back to the realisation of why I'm actually having this dinner with her.

"Once we're done with our little talk, we can replay that night all night long if you like." I whisper back with my hands creeping up her thighs.

She smiles and quickly jumps off my desk and walks out without a word.

Hopefully this goes well...

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