"But I f-feel like I don't do anything," Taehyung pouted.

Yoongi smiled, running his thumb along the younger's cheek affectionately, "You do. You cuddle with me, you watch movies with me, you ditch work for me-"

"Jin Hyung made me!"

"-you stick up for me," He smiled softly, "You do more than you think,"

He shrugged, "I don't do much, but whatever you say,"

"McDonald's?" Yoongi asked, helping Taehyung on the bike.

"You read my mind," The younger giggled.


"So," He started over his mouthful of chicken nuggets, "Have you talked to your mom?"

Yoongi groaned and let his head smack against the table, "No, and I don't want to,"

"Yoonie, she's your mom. You need to call her,"

"I don't need to do shit, that woman is a monster,"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "No she isn't. She seems like a wonderful lady when I spy on your FaceTime calls,"

"You aren't a very good spy," Yoongi smiled, "I knew you were there,"

"I'm not stupid, I knew that you knew,"

"And I know that you knew that I knew,"

"No we are not doing this," He glared.

The two were lying on Yoongi's living room floor, eating chicken nuggets they found in the very back of the elder's freezer. They said fuck McDonald's and their shitty ass service.

Probably because the cashier flirted with Yoongi and Taehyung was not having it. He had pulled Yoongi out of that wretched place instantly.

Yoongi rolled onto his stomach, glaring at Taehyung childishly.

"I don't wanna!" He whined.

"Yoongi, she made you talk to one of the professors,"

"I hate talking to them and she knows it!"

"She's not evil because she asked you to talk to someone," The silver haired boy grabbed Yoongi's pillow out from under his head so he could hug it. Now he had basically all of the pillows and the floor wasn't so uncomfortable.

He also had 4 out of 5 of the blankets.

And all of the chicken nuggets.

And he stole Yoongi's sweatshirt.

But Yoongi had just watched fondly as his house was raided and he was asked to cook chicken nuggets he didn't even want, so it was okay.

"You should meet them," Yoongi mumbled, watching Taehyung roll himself into a blanket burrito.

The younger stilled, "But..we haven't even been dating for 2 weeks,"

"So? I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon so there's no point in waiting,"

Taheyung blushed, stuttering out random nonsense.

"So what day should I tell them to come here?" Yoongi asked, grabbing out his phone.

"Uhm, I have college and work, I don't know if any day is good,"

"Perfect, so tomorrow at 7 for dinner?" Yoongi smirked, hitting send. He just asked both of his parents to come up for dinner. No hints, no suspision. Just a 'family' dinner.

Taehyung pouted, "I'm nervous already,"

"Don't be, they'll love you," Yoongi smiled. "What about yours?"

"My what?" Taehyung tilted his head.

The elder cooed before explaining, "What about your parents?"

Taehyung's giggles died, face turning carefully blank.


"My parents are dead," He muttered.


1033 words hoes

not my longest chapter, or the most exciting, sorry :(

but we gon learn taehyungies backstory soon uwu

n yoongi is really taking things to the next level omg

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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