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life's greatest blessing, a group that dreams, laughs,plays and loves together, those whom you always count on. always present not only in the good times. the most precious gift.


Her exhausted eyes reached mine. And I walked up to her and held her hand. Her fingers were warm as I clasped my cold ones around hers.

" You did great, jaan."

I leaned down and stifled a kiss over the crown of her head. Seeing the woman grin brightly as she enveloped my arm, pulling me down to her side.

" Your son will be here shortly."

The nurse said as she looked at Saboohi and I before leaving the hospital room.

" Ah! I missed you so much."

Saboohi groaned in my arm and I smiled. Caressing her hair softly, I spoke.

" I am very proud of you."

I couldn't resist kissing her cheek, her face brightening up with post-labor glow.

" I know." She smiled lazily.

My eyes roamed around the room as I leaned against her bed now. Noticing that mom and her mother had left the room. My stomach knotted as I anticipated the arrival of the nurse who had taken our baby to clean him up.

" Did you see him yet?"

Saboohi asked as her eyes looked at me. And I shook my head with a pout following.

" No, they had taken him before I could stop them."

" Hm, he's very small and crying. I am telling you he's going to be loud."

Saboohi scrunched her nose. And I couldn't help laughing out.

" Saboohi."

I exaggerated seeing the woman giggle.

" I love him already but he better not be loud."

" He'd-"

" Wohoo, welcome to parenthood."

The door burst open and Afaaf with Zaryaab entered. Their hands filled with balloons that said, 'its a boy'. Saboohi and my face lit up with grins seeing the couple. Afaaf hopped over to Saboohi, giving her a bear hug while Zaryaab embraced me brotherly.

" I am so happy for your both." Afaaf held in her squeal as she gushed over Saboohi making me offer her a huge grin.

" Thank you so much guys."

Saboohi spoke just as the door opened and our mothers came in. Their faces sparkling with the joy of being grandmothers now.

" Where is the nurse? When would the dad see his son?"

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