#6 You stayed, you asked me to.

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(Warning: Harsh Language, mention of blood.)

Third person point of view:

It was surprising to Bakugou on how Todoroki was acting, he woke up in a very good mood but he was definitely not in that very mood anymore when Todoroki walked right passed and didn't not even give him a look while he was actually hoping on something. "Okay the tents are to be made in a circle and in the middle, lit a fire at night and we, the teachers will be behind your tents, surrounding y'all, training will start from after you have settled yourselves. Food items will be provided but you will have to cook it yourself. Present mic, midnight, thirteen and I will be around, All Might will join as soon as he can." Aizawa announced before going inside the tent of his own.

"Toodooorooookiii~ Who are you weeeth?" Kaminari appeared yet again joined by Kirishima, he noticed the change of expression in Bakubro's face and the reason. Right now blasty boy was out getting wood to lit the fire with Iida, "I don't know, I haven't asked anyone ye-" Kaminari cut him off, he had an idea, according to him a very good one, "Can I join you?" Kirishima wasn't late to notice what sparky boy was trying to do and smirked, Todoroki, a little shocked gave him a look from the corner of his eyes before nodding, "Sure." 

"Are thinking what I am thinking?" Kaminari grinned, "Bet Kami" 

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO GRINNING ABOUT, GET OUT OF MY WAY AND LET ME DO MY JOB!" Bakugou, a pretty angry Bakugou yelled before walking away from them and dropping the stuff he brought. Todoroki quietly lit the fire, Uraraka, Mina, Momo, Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki were helping with the food, the others were setting up the tents. 

It was after the afternoon when everyone were just about to go inside their tents and take rest after working hard in the morning, there were blasts and explosions, the whole place became smoky, nothing could be seen among the thick gray smoke. There were completely covered in suit guys standing, surrounding them., "Wow! Villains, now? In middle of the fucking camp?" There were murmurs everywhere, our heroes didn't waste time before jumping right into it, they have always been fighting for their lives, they knew they'd get through it, they didn't know these guys, but how long before they'd fight and win? 

The guys were really aware of what each student was about to attack them with, they managed to take control and break through, what was surprising what, it was away from the actual tents, what did they want? To take them away from the teacher's watch and fight them? Kill them? They were separated into groups as each one jumped on them with all they had, the villains were powerful, the thick smoke was still around, what was their quirk? Why were they maintaining a place where no one could see anything and had to attack with the guesses they were making? Was it for their advantage?

Todoroki had frozen the nearest person who came to attack him, he couldn't see but manage to get half of his body, he had to run and find someone before the villain got through the ice. He could hear multiple explosions and screams, it was like a surprise attack out of nowhere. He was running in an unknown direction, he saw electricity go out from somewhere, he saw a huge wind pressure, then there was this huge blast, he knew that was Bakugou's special move he did in the sports festival against Uraraka, did Bakugou have his gauntlets? 'This is not the time to think of him', he thought to himself as he activated his fire and lashed forward, he froze one more before freezing his way through to leave marks to go back home, there was yet another blast, a sound of a loud punch like something was being thrashed on the ground, another blast, 'how many can he take?' he thought to himself, the condition was just getting worse, the fog around was getting thicker like it was night time, he kept his fire quirk on to give light and to help him walk around.

"Class rep" He said as he ran towards Iida, "Todoroki, I have found a way out, I will be spreading the information to as many student as possible, we need to find them and get out of here." Todoroki nodded, as he marked the place with the ice, "Meet me here in ten minutes, Midoriya has gone right, you take left and I will go to the opposite and gather people. I don't think we will be able to go out if we are even a minute late" Todoroki agreed and started running towards the place, what he noticed was the escape route was disappearing, it was like a small hole,  so they had very less time, "Hey, YOU THERE, GO RIGHT AND YOU WILL HAVE YOUR WAY OUT" He screamed as he saw two people fighting, who figured might be Ojiro and Sero. Then followed by Mineta and Mina, he told everyone to go to way. "I think I got everyone here" As he was about to turn and leave after he saw eight minutes were already over, he found a body almost buried under the land mass struggling to get out, he didn't need to think what to do as he ran towards it, "A hero is someone who reaches out to help others without worrying about this own life, and I might be able to make it in time" he said as he ran towards it, as he placed his feet on an uplifted object, there were explosions going around, he stumbled and fell down as he rolled on the muddy, uneven surface and stood back up to run.

His legs were almost giving up, he didn't know how much he ran, how much area he covered, he didn't know if he had drained himself by using too much power, but he kept running.

He could hear a 'stay' in his ears, what was it?!

A small blast took place as a portion of the mass of land was removed before he saw a hand fall on the ground, "Fuck it's nine minutes" He said as he reached the place, "BAKUGOU" He wasn't in his consciousness, he even felt he saw blood, "The explosions did this to him" He said as he carefully accelerated his speed with the fire and pushed off the mass he was buried under careful not to hurt the blonde male, "the conditions have been worse here" He said as he pulled him up, "Hu-h, who are you?" even in that state, his voice could almost trigger someone. "It's me, Todoroki." He said as he picked him up and rested him on his body and used ice to move faster, he figured from Bakugou's silence that the boy wasn't in the position to actually yell.

It was completely foggy when he reached the place. The escape route had gotten small, would he make it through? What should he do? His body didn't let his mind think before he jumped in and the hole sucked them in, he made it, he saved him. It dropped them in front of the tents. Todoroki stumbled with Bakugou, he was panting, he saw others come around, the last thing he saw was Bakugou laying beside him and some other students coming towards them before he closed his eyes. 

It was maybe night when he woke up inside the main big tent, there were bandages to cover the wounds, the main reason of him passing out was exhaustion, he was informed. He looked beside him, Bakugou was sitting up resting his body on the head of the bed and staring at him. Todoroki sat himself up and looked at him, "Hey, how are you feeling?" He said in a soft voice, "No one else was there, where did you find me? You could have not made it through and could have been stuck dumbass" He kept looking, his eyes were soft, "I was searching for everyone and why would I leave you behind" He replied.

"Others had left, you stayed." Bakugou said.

Todoroki shrugged, should he tell him that he could here the 'stay' Bakugou had told him last night, what was it, of course he wouldn't leave him there, "You asked me to" He replied in a low voice. He could see the other boy's finger tremble. 

(That would be the sixth chapter and their relationship is developinggg! I hope you guys are enjoying it, tell me if you like it and if you find then point out my mistakes so that I can change it and improve! Seventh chapter coming soon! See y'all! -sydREnzo)

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