#3 The mission pt.1

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(Warning: Harsh Language)

Todoroki's Point of View:(Well we gotta see what's happening on the other side)

Kaminari and I went to the shop to get perfume because he liked the smell of mine, but it ended me paying for half of it cause he...ran out of money. Then we were hungry and I booked seats in a restaurant. He talks a lot though. Half of what he says, it's random...like out of nowhere? I don't get it, what does he mean by 'The hair falling on your face makes you look good?' My hair is always on my face. Also, he kept asking stuff about Bakugou, I mean...what is he thinking? Are they up to something? 

On my way back home, it kept running through my mind, usually I wouldn't mind, cause there were rumors all over the school that I was dating Midoriya, there was no problem then, the questions didn't bother me. I mean, Midoriya has helped me a lot, but we are friends, very good friends. But Bakugou...he's different. Kaminari and his questions got into my mind, not really questions, in general he was just talking about him a lot...suspicious. It's either that...they have figured something OR it means Kaminari might like Bakugou. I wouldn't expect any less from Kirishima, he has his eyes open, but I was way too careful.

"Todoroki-kun, what are you doing after school? Iida, Uraraka-san, Tsu are coming over to my place to plan about the camp and discuss on stuff we need. Would you like to join us?" Midoriya said as I entered the classroom, "Can I join too?" Yaoyorozo added, "Sure!" I nodded, "I will come too" Mina came and pushed herself between Midoriya and Iida, "Is Todoroki and everyone hanging out at Midoriya's plaaace~? Can I join too?" Her tone as different and louder as if she wanted others to hear her as well. Midoriya agreed and gave her his address. 

Throughout the next classes, I found Bakugou fidgeting, either glaring at Midoriya or moving out of class and giving me this unpleasant expression and glaring back at Midoriya before taking his seat. I could see the sparks coming up in between his palms once in a while. Things started to become real weird. I mean nothing seems weird but Kaminari's behavior, Mina today and Bakugou suddenly reaching his level two of normal furious-ness. 

Third Person point of view:

Bakugou's day wasn't going very well, he woke up to 56 missed calls from the red weird hair and 369 messages on the group chat, about what? 'wAkE uP bAkUgOu, gEt dReSsEd, yOu gOtTa lOok gOoD iN fRoNt oF ToDoRoKi?!' then he entered class to find Todoroki going to Midoriya's house. Then all the way Kaminari kept talking about 'how Todoroki eats', 'how Todoroki walks', 'how Todoroki breaths' all he could hear was 'todoroki, tOdOrOkI, TODOROKI, TODOFUCKINGROKI' 

"Yo dude, stop blanking out, you've been getting out of track from the time you realised you like Todoroki-" Kirishima said while eating, "I DON'T LIKE ANYONE" Bakugou retorted, he knew he did, he just didn't want to admit it yet. Sero laughed out, "that's the 65th time you've screamed that from yesterday, you're in denial bro" He glared at him, but that hasn't been working on them from yesterday, his life had suddenly started moving in this 200mph speed. He didn't have time for all this, he had to become the number one hero, he didn't have time for distractions, but suddenly the letters a-z suddenly just rearranged themselves as t-o-d-o-r-o-k-i. 'I'LL GO CRAZY AT THIS RATE' 

"So how are you going to go forward with it?" Mina asked finishing her food. Bakugou decided to keep trying with the glare trick and looked at her, "I mean, you like him, now what?" Bakugou put a huge chunk inside his mouth, "What? I never liked him." Sero added again, "He needs time to deal with it himself, while we, get into work and find out what's going on with the future boyfriend"


Sero casually kept passing his comments, "You wouldn't say that to Todoroki"

"Let him get himself to talk to him first- he loses all his guts in front of him" Kaminari said, laughing.


That didn't stop, for a week in every sentence Bakusquad went, 'Do it for Todoroki', 'Well that is only for Todoroki', 'You wouldn't say that to Todoroki', 'You loooove~ him' while I poor blasty boy struggled to accept he even liked him, the word 'love' exploded him sane braincells left. Kirishima had noticed the changes in him, he decided to speak to him, maybe giving him a speech won't be of any help, but maybe hyping him up would, he had a plan, Bakusquad mission#1: Let Bakubro know he likes Todobro, successful, mission#2: Make Bakubro ACCEPT the fact, mission#2pt.2: Find out what's going on with Todobro 'future boyfriend'  

On the day of camp starting, Captain Kirishima with Sero working for mission#2pt.1 and Captain Kaminari with Mina working for mission#2pt.2, ready? GET...SET...AND GO!

"Bakugou, hey!" Kirishima went and sat up on the bench in front of him, Bakugou didn't look well, there were bags under his eyes and fumes coming out of his ears, "Yo what's with the irritation early in the morning?" Bakugou looked up and pulled Kirishima down to whisper in his ears, "There are some shitty rumors around the school, I'm going to kill those people if I hear them again" Kirishima's eyes widened, well they all knew about it, "What did you hear?" He said trying to hide his grin, "That Half n' half was dating fucking Deku, I am not in the mood to dealwith anyone today." Kirishima's plan was to make Bakugou hear the rumors, then ask him why they were bothering him, then make him accept that he likes the boy, then based on the reaction of the pther side, he'd make Bakugou act. Well, he wouldn't take any action of his own unless he's pushed to, his ego was too much for it already.

(That is the third chapter and the fourth will kind of be a continuation of it, I hope y'all are enjoying it, I might update more than two chapters today, see you in the next chapter! -sydREnzo)

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