#41 육 (Six)

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"All of it, it was worth it..."

The numbness, the floating sensations, the unrealistic tinglings seemed to come down to one conclusion, when hope and the path to be taken were now in the view, clear. Maybe that's what he wanted all this while.

"Don't ignore your feelings, if your heart wants both, then it won't be satisfied with one."

The words echoed in his head, 'both' but what if the other was an distraction? His main goal is not that, he needs prove to the  world, to himself, but what if he isn't satisfied with what he has but it's too late to go back and get him back? What if he loses him? He won't be able to take that.

He knows he wants him, but does he? He wants him back and this time, forever, there has been too much already and whatever happens this time has to be it, and it has to him.

So he needs to get out of the cage, out of these boundaries, he needs to get to him, he needs to reach him, it has been a long wait, it's been a long long time, and now the real struggle was there.

He has to fight to gain back the consciousness.

He has to fight to gather the strength to settle the intentions of the brain.

He has to fight to get the power to respond.

This was too much.

This isn't a fight which tests the physical strength. He'd no doubt win in that one.

This one was completely different.

But guess what?

He'd still win.

(I know it was a short chapter and I'm sorry for updating so late, I'll try to update fast now as it is coming to an end, hope you're enjoying! See you soon in the next one! Thank you so much for all the love and support! Take care! AND TO EVERYONE WHO IS READING AT TIMES YOU SHOULD BE SLEEPING, BAKUGOU WANTS YOU TO TAKE SOME FUCKING REST, Y'ALL NEED YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP LOVELY PEOPLE, READ THE NEXT DAY, HAVE A GOOD NIGHT/DAY -sydREnzo)

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