Chapter 23

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When my eyes fluttered open in the morning, Billy's arms still encircled me. It surprised me how awake I was at 8 am. I slipped into the shower welcoming the warming comfort. Once ready for the day, I headed to the lobby for tea. 

"Lily," the familiar Midwest voice boomed close behind me, but it was off just slightly. 

I turned to find Tim standing behind me. 

"You're up early," I stammered in surprise. 

"Well, I wasn't up late yelling at people," he shrugged.

"You heard us?" I scrunched up my face as he nodded a confirmation of my fear. 

"Can't lie; that wasn't the type of noise I expected to seep through the walls."

"How is he, Tim? How is he really?" I pressed. 

"Have you asked him?" He countered. 

"Yeah, and now I'm asking you."

"It's early, and I haven't eaten; blood sugar and all that..." He fluttered his hands to dismiss me. 

I fished around my bag and pulled out one of the lollipops I stocked for late-night study sessions. "Here," I announced. "For your blood sugar."

Tim inspected the lollipop and then headed to one of the overstuffed lobby chairs and plopped down. He ripped the wrapper off and tossed it down to the side table. "Okay," he began as I settled in a chair across from him. "Start again," he finished as he tucked the lollipop in his mouth. 

"How is he, Tim?"

Tim pulled the lollipop from his mouth and gazed at it as he gathered his words. "He's paralyzed. We all see the path before him, but he won't budge."


"Billy ever talk about Pops?" Tim asked as he met my gaze. 

"Pops?" My brow furrowed as I tried to remember Billy ever mentioning Pops. 

"His dad; passed a few years back. He was a great man; fair, kind, solid. You always knew everything was going to be alright if Pops was around. He just had that way about him."

"That's where Billy gets it," I smiled. 

"Mmhmm, except Billy wasn't really built for it."

"He has brothers; they can help." 

Tim let out a chuckle and once again inspected his lollipop. "Here's the thing, Lilipop; Billy doesn't ask for help. He's got a bit of the Scrappy Doo in him, being the youngest and all. I can only remember twice in the past decade the dude asked for help."


"Mmhmm, once was a couple of months ago when he asked me to come along on the tour with him."

"That was my idea." It bubbled from me. 

"Yeah? Huh," Tim pondered. 

"When was the other time?" I pressed. 

Tim let out a laugh. "Can I give you a piece of advice that I never seem to follow and always regret?"

"Sure," I shrugged, uncertain where he was headed. 

"When the quiet guy speaks, listen." He pulled himself up from the chair. "You have a good morning, Lilipop."

"Timmy," I called out as I shot up for the chair. 

He turned to face me, his cheek stretching around the candy in his mouth. 

"Thank you."

"He's my best friend, Lily Turncott; my brother. There isn't much I wouldn't do for him. I like you; I really do, but you fuck with my boy, and I promise that I won't be bought off with a shitty lollipop and a sad face."

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