"The first assignment is in Africa for 3 months taking pictures of animals in the wild" I let out the words quickly knowing they will be a big shock.

"What?" she exclaims and I watch as she quickly takes a deep breath shortly after and I think she might be taking this better than I expected. "Do your parents and brother know?"

"No" I say hiding my face in my arms. "I don't know how I will tell them but I accepted the job and I am going" I say with determination.

"I know you are going, I know no one can stop Ara Dallia Bak when she puts her mind to something" Hae says hugging me again. "I am here and I will help you with telling your parents, but I don't know about your brother. He might have a problem with this and I don't want to be there when you tell him." she says with her playful smile and I know even though she might be joking she means it at the same time.

"Thank you Hae"


November 22, 2017

Today is Hae's roommate's birthday and I have a few minutes to get ready before we have to be at the restaurant. I have been running all over Seoul getting all my trip preparations in order. A lot has been going on this past couple of days and I feel like the next two weeks are going to fly by. I finally told my parents about my new job and trip to Africa and it took them a while to accept it. My brother was another story, he was very upset I had hidden the real job description but after he realized I was not budging on my decision he didn't have any other choice than to respect my decision. In other news I finally met Hae's roommate and we have become fast friends, we seem to be very similar. Min is sweet and polite and she seems to be the perfect match to my friend Hae. Now I understand why they have been roommates for years.

I stare at the bathroom mirror contemplating my outfit options and after much thinking I decide to go with my favorite pink pleaded skirt that highlights my small waist and the pink color looks amazing against my pale skin tone. I am also wearing a creamed colored blouse with bell sleeves and the two items complement each other. My hair is half up and down just like the day of my interview and I let my natural waves be the star of the night. My makeup is minimal since I am in a hurry but I think the minimal look matches my outfit to perfection. I exit the bathroom ready for the night and I notice Hae is wearing a very beautiful black dress that hugs all her curves and Min matches with me in a very pale pink short and jacket set. We take several group selfies in the mirror before leaving and I take mental pictures of these cute moments. Memories like this will help me not be home sick when I am far away in Africa.

We arrive at the restaurant after taking a millions pictures and I am amazed at how beautiful this place is. I don't know if its just me but I feel like every place I have visited in Seoul is more beautiful than the last. Hae had told me last night that she had reserved a VIP room for our dinner since some of Min's friends will also be coming. The place is a combination of a restaurant and a karaoke club and this will be my first time experiencing one of these places. When the waiter takes us to the room I am surprise we are the first ones to arrive. We had spent so much time in traffic that I thought we would be the last ones. The table in the middle of the room is a long rectangle with only one side lined with booths like seats. The karaoke machine is on the open side of the table and big screens fill one of the walls behind it. I watch as Min takes a seat on the middle of the booth leaving some space next to her. Hae takes a seat next to Min and she gestures to the space next to her. I guess the other side of Min will be for her friends. 

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