Chapter 44 - Samhain

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31st of October, 1996 - 19:00

Looking around at what me and Tom had prepared made me smile, there were two bomb fires lay out parallel to each other. It was Samhain, and Tom had insisted that the dark celebrate. He had said that Samhain is when dark magic is at its strongest, and I believe him.

Tom - "WORMTAIL!!!"

The rat man scurried over, scared still of angering his lord anymore than normal. I watched as Tom grabbed his wand and held it down on the inky dark snake. It crawled under the rat's skin, I'm sure Tom was just making it more painful as the bastard deserved it, let's be honest.

A couple minutes later cracks of apparation started sounding all around us.

I watched the death eaters that came and their families greet each other after our lord. Smiling a genuine smile, I walked over to see Auntie Bella and Uncle Rodo. As soon as they see me in engulfed in a tight hug. Rabastian also came  over to greet us as well, joining our group hug. This reminded me so much of Azkaban, which wasn't good in some ways but at least we had each other.

Minutes later the dark lord called us around him, everyone that we knew was coming had arrived so we could get started. Taking my wand, I pointed it at the two bomb fires and started their flames.

After the really inspiring speech was given Tom took my hand in his, I looked up at him before we set off through the middle of the two bomb fires. We walked calmly letting the magic wash over us, cleansing us. The wonderful caress of mother magic bushing over us felt amazing. Once we reached the other side of the bomb fires Tom spun me around. A pair of lips were pressed against mine. I was frozen for a second before reacting, moving my lips against his.



Hello everyone... my exam is in 6 days so I won't be posting until afterwards but I hope you enjoy your day or night.

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