Chapter 46 - Stolen

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31st of November, 1996 - 18:32

Dumbledore paced his office, he hadn't believed it when he saw the Harry... Tom must have brain-washed him, that could be the only reason. A love potion ! That was it. Tom had put Harry under a love potion, his mother had done the same to his father, so Tom had to have done the same to Harry. After all Harry Potter is light, and the dark are evil. Harry would never willingly side with the man who killed his parents in cold blood.

Dumbledore hazily walked to his desk, he started looking for his wand. He didn't often carry his wand when he was in his office, there wasn't any point really. He had wards to alert him if someone was coming, that was enough. Searching the top draw of his desk he still couldn't find his wand, that was odd, he usually left it there. Huh... maybe he didn't this time. Out of no where Dumbledore heard a chuckle. Turning around the old man's eyes widened.

Harry - "Hello old man."
Dumbledore - "Hello, my boy."

Harry sneered at Dumbledore before continuing,

Harry - "I'm not your boy."

Dumbledore didn't reply so Harry continued.

Harry - "Have you lost something?"
Dumbledore - "Ahhh yes I have, but it's nothing to worry about."
Harry - "Really, you call loosing your wand, 'nothing to worry about'?"

Harry watched as Dumbledore's eyes hardened and let out a light giggle that was just on the verge of insanity.

Harry - "Well it was nice to see you old man. Toodles."


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