Chapter 54 - F**king old lord of the light

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9th of February, 1997 - 14:14

It was safe to say Tom was mad, fuming even. Actually probably worse than that. Here I am in a heated duel with the dark lord to get him to calm down. We had just left the gaunt house, or rather we where standing outside of it. It was the second place had checked to ensure Tom's horcruxes safety. The first being the Lestrange vault and hufflepuff's chalice was still there. So we had collected it and stored it inside the manor. The ring from the gaunt house was missing and from the magical signature it was taken quite recently by none other than the f**king old light lord. It could have quite well have been yesterday the wards were taken down. That is what had infuriated Tom the most.

He was so worked up over it, that I had to take it into my own hands and submit myself to a taxing duel with the most powerful dark lord ever. That in itself was scary even thinking about it. Just then I took a Diffindo to my left shoulder and the pain it caused, made me drop to the ground. I let out a strangled before heaving myself off the ground and sending a Expulso towards the dark lord, he managed to block it but then a note of realisation appeared on his usually stoic face. Something I didn't see often, I watched where his eyes trailed and once I seen his eyes stop I looked to where he was looking. Oh merlin!

The shoulder of my left arm was covered in blood hanging limply by my side. I hadn't even realised how bad it was since I didn't feel the pain it had caused, the adrenaline must have held off the steering pain that had now jumped out of nowhere going through my arm. Before I knew it, Tom was at my side.

Tom - "Shit Harry! I'm so sorry."

I grimaced at the pain I was still before answering:

Harry - "Tom, it's okay. I'm fine."
Tom - "No it's not Harry! I hurt you.

I looked up at Tom and smiled, he was panicked and I could see it in his face.

Tom - "Let me heal you."
Harry - "I have no obligations to that."

I smiled as Tom set to work on healing the damage he had caused, we all love duelling with the dark lord.


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