Chapter 25 - duelling

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21st of July, 1995 - 19:00
Today was the first full gathering of death eaters since the Azkaban rescue. I was undoubtedly excited, the dark lord, my lord, was holding a duelling contest to see who the best of the best was. His goal was to replace a few inner circle members that had died, weather it was from the breakout or some other incident. I was among twenty of the candidates to replace Wormtail who had displeased the dark lord for the last time. I stood in the center of the ring of the first round one of the last pairs to duel, of course I had won after all the dark lord and Bellatrix had taken my training very seriously; as did I. By no time it was the final duel which was battled out by myself and another death eater; Jugson.

The dark lord commenced the last duel and Jugson watched intently, looking for any weaknesses I had. While he was distracted I sent a disarming spell towards him to which he blocked effectively and fired a Diffindo towards me that I rolled along the floor to dodge, once I got onto my feet again I casted a confundo which Jugson wasn't expecting; it confused him enough so I could get in a quick, mild confringo at him.

I had won the duel, it wasn't particularly hard but it was enough for me to be fully introduced to the inner circle... that reminds me, it had been a bit awkward being around the dark lord. Anytime I closed my eyes I could see bold, blood-like red eyes filled with lust and passion. I was surely going insane... never mind I already am. After the feast was over the dark lord called me to his study I was nervous but indeed very excited. The rushing of blood filled my ears and I could hardly contain my excitement... it was only when I got to his study that I fully found out what was going on. By then all I could say was;
"Fuck me."


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