Chapter 27 - The Reaction

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16th of June, 1995 - 03:00
Kingsley Shacklebolt staggered along the muggle street path leading to Number 12 Grimmauld Place it had been three days since he and Tonks had been captured and tortured... Oh Merlin he couldn't even think about Tonks, he had been travelling for 3 days with a box stuck onto his arms. It disgusted him to even think about what was in the box, he seen Number 12 and raced up to it, pounding on the door. Someone had to hear him, they had to. Just then the door to no. 12 opened as he was greeted by Sirius Black who when saw him the joy turned to panic. Sirius pulled Kingsley up off the ground where he had sunk to his knees and brought him into the kitchen, unsticking the box from his hands not even thinking to look in it. Sirius then flooed Madame Pomfrey and Dumbledore, they both stepped through the fireplace and were horrified to see what state the dark skinned auror was in.

Madame Pomfrey set to work healing Kingsley as much as she could while Dumbledore asked Sirius what had happened. Dumbledore heaved out a prolonged sigh. He knew this was the work of something... no someone dark, he had only ever seen the dark lord or Bellatrix be this brutal with torture, but it wasn't their style. No, the dark lord relied on the cruciatus curse, not wanting to get his hands dirty and the Lestrange woman loved knives and daggers. But this was a mix of both.

Kingsley woke up a while later in a bed, he was all to glad to be away from him... no that Thing, it, he was a monster. An order meeting was called a few hours after Kingsley had returned and then the big question was asked,

"Where's Tonks?"

Kingsley's breath hitched as he remembered, "Where's the box?" He said it over and over again starting to shake, Sirius ran into the kitchen and brought the box into the meeting room where they could all see it. Cry's of sorrow and anguish reached the order, in the box was the head of Nyphadora Tonks, her empty eyes open with fear, a truly horrible sight to see.

"The dark lord asked me to pass on a message?" Kingsley said as Dumbledore looked at him.

"Yes, my boy?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"This time the dark will win, we have the greatest weapon. Your own creation, the person you abandoned." Kingley's voice was monotone as he said it, void of any emotions.

"No..." Dumbledore whispered more to himself than anyone else.

"What does he mean, Dumbledore?" Molly Weasley asked.

No one knew what had happened to Harry Potter, and they were about to find out. This was not good... not good at all.


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