Chapter 38 - The Prophecy...

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26 of April, 1996 - 23:06

Me and the voldemort looking Tom were sitting side by side waiting for our only order of the KFC spy, Severus Snape. He is to come and deliver the news from the rag tag group that battle death eaters. Although he was supposed to meet us six minutes ago, but he must be late. Another couple minutes later I seen Tom was starting to get a bit restless, I pulled out my mark gesturing for Tom to try and summon him again. He did and I was shocked by what I seen as Snape entered the meeting room. Snape had been in a battle of some type, quickly I got up out of my seat and brought Snape to sit down. He let out a sigh when he sat down. Muttering a couple of diagnoses spells I addressed his injuries with healing spells and accioed potions as best I could. When I sat down Tom started the meeting and part interrogation;

Tom - "Severussss niccce of you to finally join ussssss."
Severus - "I apologise, my lord. I was ambushed by a couple order members."
Tom - "Pray tell who thesse order membersss are?"
Severus - "Remus lupin and Sirius Black.
Tom - "I assume they are injured?"
Severus - "Yes they are. I left them in Grimmauld Place."
Tom - "Very well then. What newssss do you bring me."
Severus - "The order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken are currently guarding the Prophecy regarding Harry Potter and yourself."

I look over at Voldemort looking Tom and he signals that he will tell me later, I look back at Snape and the conversation continues...

Tom - "What is the old man expecting me to do?"
Severus - "He believes that you will attack the Department of Mysteries to retrieve said prophecy."
Tom - "Then we shall do it. He will be expecting us to, so to change thingsss up we will... comply with the old cootsss wishessss."
Severus - "Yes, my lord. What do you want me to tell the Headmaster when I return?"
Tom - "Tell him that we have moved the date of a raid on Hogsssmeade to the 18th of June."
Severus - "Yes,my lord."
Tom - "Anymore newsssss, Severusss?"
Severus - "No, my lord."
Tom - "Dissssmissed."

Severus walks out of the meeting room, closing the door behind him. I watched as Tom sighed, changing his appearance back to the younger looking Tom Riddle.

Harry - "Explain."

Tom sighed a long drawn you sigh before starting into the lengthy tale.


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